The Calco Cup 2018

Pinheiros Altos & San Lorenzo


-2121Days -16Hours -2Minutes -25Seconds



Sunday morning saw the heavens open up but the Calco boys kept the faith and the sun came out to shine on the righteous!! A good turnout of 15 Calconians turned out to play at such short notice and they were blessed with the presence of Mark Wallis (South). Yes the circus came to town. However there were some surprising  performances and Mr Wallis impressed burning up the front 9. Others impressing at this late stage were Chris Ramm, winner on the day with 36 points. Mr Crossfield and Mr Lister also scoring well. Middle of the road performances from the majority of the field with moose droppings appearing round the feet of Hardwick, Davison and Phil Cawtheray!!

Still six weeks to go boys so plenty of time to straighten those drives out and increase your percentage putting. The fruits of victory will come to those who put the effort in. As Gary Player famously once said ‘The harder I work the luckier I get’!!

Come on boys let’s get lucky!!

 All the best and see you in the sun on the 12th.

 Steve & Stephen ( The two halves that make up the SAS )


Robbe Fleming 5
Peter Burke 6
Simon Woolridge 8
Peter Forster 9
Steve Tattersfield 10
Andy Fearnsides 11
Gavin Whitworth 12
Damien Thorngate 12
Micky Baldwin 12
Kevin Ulla 13
Paul Ephremsen 14
Jim Holliday 15
Phil Lister 15
Steve Hardwick 15
Alan Doig 15
Andrew Yates 15
Paul Sykes 17
Craig Lightowler 17
Andrew Kaye 18
Ben Moyle 18
Chris Ramm 19
Garry Burrows 19
Mark Wallis (S) 19
Adam Davison 19
John Clements 20
Martin Crossfield 20
Paul Rich 20
Jeff Wind 20
Jimmy Curley 21
Paul Cawtheray 23
Mark Wallis (N) 23
Phil Cawtheray 23
Graham Copley 26
Keith Loughran 26
David Bell 28
Stephen Callaghan 28

The Draw

Paul Sykes
Mark Wallis (South)
Chris Ramm
John Clements

Jimmy Curley
Gavin Whitworth
Kev Ulla
Micky Baldwin

Peter Forster
Ben Moyle
Damien Thorngate
Stephen Callaghan

Simon Woolridge
David Bell
Phil Lister
Jim Holliday

Steve Tattersfield
Paul Ephremsen
Steve Hardwick
Adam Davison

Paul Cawtheray
Craig Lightowler
Keith Loughran
Alan Doig

Martin Crossfield
Phil Cawtheray
Jeff Wind
Andrew Kaye

Paul Rich
Garry Burrows
Peter Burke
Graham Copley

Andy Fearnsides
Andrew Yates
Mark Wallis (North)
Robbe Flemming



Venue – Pinheiros & San Lorenzo

FIELD – 36

Pete Burke (3), Ben Moyle (2), Jimmy Holliday, Alan Doig, Steve Tattersfield, Gav Whitworth, Peter Forster, Jimmy Curley & Micky Baldwin.


Steve Callaghan (4), David Bell (3) Mark Wallis (South), Mark Wallis (North), Gav Whitworth


Bells Bookies, by start of play September 14th

DAY 1 – PINHEIROS ALTO – CORKS (2,957 metres par 36) & OLIVES (2,790 metres par 36)

The Pinheiros Altos course is a loop of three 9 holes split up into the Olives, Pines & Corks located on the Ria Formosa National Park. We start by playing the slightly longer Corks which will prove a stern test with its undulating tree lined fairways and greens, still it’s length is not a key issue here but accuracy most certainly is and the signature hole, the long par 5, is as tough as they come. The back nine on the Olives is flatter, but water hazards come into play on many of the holes, giving a different sort of challenge especially the 130 yard par 3 8th which will give us that feeling of the Players Championship with it’s Island green, no doubt deciding whether it’s going to be a good or bad finish to day 1 of the Calco Cup.

Key attribute – Accuracy

DAY 2 – SAN LORENZO (5,837 metres) par 72

Located on the Ria Formosa Nature Reserve, San Lorenzo is a beast that will take some taming! It has everything, short and very long holes which all provide a test; it’s tree lined start for the first 4 holes then takes you to three beautiful and demanding holes along the lagoon with the Atlantic in the background. You then head back inland where the lakes come into play; the stunning but difficult back nine will trip many a player up especially those in front and looking for Calco glory or the desperate ones trying to avoid being Moose. The last two tough par 4 holes will be crucial to the outcome!

Power & Touch


Hopes and expectations, as always, for 36 Calconians were high in 2017 as we arrived at the magnificent Val De Lobo golf resort in Portugal. There were some mixed shots off the first tee on the Royal Course as nerves got the better of a few! The usual grumblings about handicaps proved totally misguided as we ended day 1 with a three way tie for the lead: the powerful Northern duo of Steve Tattersfield, Rob Fleming as well as our Southern star Gav Whitworth who all produced excellent rounds reaching 35 points; incredibly there was only 3 points covering the top 10 players and another 11 who were within 6 points. Without doubt, the highlight of the day was the first ever ‘hole in one’ in a Calco Cup as Steve Tattersfield masterfully nailed his tee shot straight into the cup at the short par 3 7th, this produced some memorable scenes in the bar afterwards, superb!! Stevie, Stevie, Stevie Tatts, Stevie Tatts..???; at the bottom end a disastrous 14 points from Ady Clough made him long odds on to wear the antlers, though there were plenty who also played like they were still drunk from the night before and they certainly would be looking over their shoulder the following day.

As we moved to the Ocean course for day 2, for many, the Calco was there for the taking. Paul Ephremsen & Steve Hardwick himself made significant moves through the field and Mr steady himself, Peter Forster, was looking dangerous; nerves looked to get the better of a few and the magnificent finishing par 5 was to prove crucial to the outcome with birdies, pars and blobs on the scorecard. ‘Cometh the hour cometh the man’ and step forward Micky Baldwin; While others ‘choked’ or lipped out of holes near the finishing line Mr Baldwin, from three groups back, played steady and mesmerising golf to score an excellent 36 pts and set the clubhouse lead with a total of 69 points, despite a desperately nervous last half hour or so, this score held up to secure his first ever Calco Cup. Stevie Tattersfield again came close to winning but once again, like the year before where Jimmy Holliday produced a back nine special, he was denied narrowly of lifting the trophy by a single point; an 8 foot putt on the last hole would have secured the title but to the amazement of the gathering crowd it was left short, another cracking effort overall. We had a four way tie for 3rd place with Paul Ephremsen taking that position on countback, no doubt there was a few who knew they had left a couple of points ‘out there’ particularly Steve Hardwick who managed to 3 putt the par 3 17th. But, Micky Baldwin deservedly took the title as predicted a couple of years back by Form Guide, and in a brilliant closing speech at the presentation he was rightly honoured as Calco Cup Champion 2017. Down at the bottom, Ady Clough produced a bit of respectability with a final round of 24 pts but it was not enough to stop him being Moose; former winner, Jimmy Curley, was only 2 points clear of Ady and the veteran had the honour of being Moosette. There was also many who struggled to say the least, the likes of Lister and Thorngate. 2016 winner, Mr Holliday’s best moments were saved for about 3 am in the morning at the 19th hole! Of course, special mention to Wallis (south) who narrowly missed out of troubling the leaders (50 pts just 19 behind Micky) but was so unlucky on most holes and is likely to be a winner soon ? 2017 was, without doubt, a vintage Calco Cup and it surely cant get much better!

1st – MICKY BALDWIN – 69 pts (8/1)
2nd – Steve Tattersfield- 68 pts (15/1)
3rd – Paul Ephremsen – 67 pts (25/1)
4th – Steve Hardwick – 67 pts (15/1)
5th – Rob Fleming – 67 pts (10/1)

Moose – Ady Clough – 38 pts (9/2)
Moosette – Jimmy Curley – 40 pts (40/1)
34th – Phil Lister – 43 pts (60/1)
33rd – Damian Thorngate – 44 pts (100/1)
32nd – Jimmy Holliday – 46 pts (40/1)


2017 – 36 players
2016 – 35 players
2015 – 30 (2 withdrawals)
2014 – 32
2013 – 32
2012 – 28
2011 – 24
2010 – 24
2009 – 24
2008 – 24
2007 – 20
2006 – 20
2005 – 16
2004 – 15
2003 – 12



Previous 15 years (1/11/7/8/28/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap -12     (17 last year)

Stunning and well deserved victory last year from off the pace and followed that up with a Calco Pairs victory earlier in the year. A man in form and still improving, despite giving plenty of age away to others, now off 12 it remains to be seen if he can cope with such a rise,but knowing the popular Micky B he won’t be giving up his title easily;top 10 at best for me but winning might be a bridge too far.

Bells Bookies – To Win 15/1 To Moose 75/1


previous 15 years (30/35/27/26/31/28/21/13/33/22/15/20/-/-/-)

Handicap – 28      (28 last year)

The competition gets tougher and our resident bookie is having to adapt to avoid the inevitable fight not to Moose! To his credit, his ball striking has improved out of all recognition and only a slight improvement in course management could yet see him make the top half at least one day. Having tied the knot recently, his mind is in a great place; a good first day will be needed but well capable these days of a round in the 30’s.

Bells Bookies – To Win 100/1       To Moose 10/1


previous 15 years (9/10/1/3/10/-/-/-/-/-/-/1/-/1/-)

Handicap – 6 (Last year 5)

Most surprisingly gets a shot back this year and that will mean he is a certainty to be challenging for outright honours. Incredibly consistent and will eat up both courses; playing a lot of golf recently and to a very high standard. Striking the ball majestically just like his dulcet tones on the microphone! Every chance our Southern star could well be lifting the trophy for a 4th time! 20/1 a must each way bet for me.

Bells Bookies – To Win 20/1 To Moose 100/1


previous 15 years (14/2/13/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 19 (Last year 18)

Solid first three years for our ‘chirpy’ Northern chappy and will be licking his lips at the sight of getting a shot back! Rumours are that he’s playing well at home again so knows how to peak at the right time. A huge runner in this year’s event as he seems to thrive on the Calco spirit (and not just in the bar!) and banter, top 10 at least and a promise of a new tint if he wins, book that appointment!

Bells Bookies – To Win 40/1 To Moose 30/1


Previous years (21/16/25/30/19/21/24/17/24/12/17/17/15/15/12)

Handicap -28    (28 last year)

Well well well Mr Callaghan, two decent years and no where near the moose group, certainly has surprised a few! Should really be comfortable off 28 as he is no ‘hacker’. As usual we are being treated to the usual fake news of pre tournament injuries, lack of practice and any other excuses he can find; genuinely might have his work cut out not to Moose for the first time abroad as the competition gets tougher each year.

Bells Bookies – To Win 100/1 To Moose 8/1


previous 15 years (15/-/-/22/17/14/-/19/14/-/-/13/8/-/-)

Handicap – 23 (Last year 24)

Now these are the handicaps I can’t understand, a good solid 15th last year and this year, strangely, Paul gets chopped one shot; way too good to Moose really but it’s tougher these days and I’m expecting there to be the smallest gap ever between top and bottom so must tidy up his driving or he might be looking over his shoulder. Alternatively just as likely he could be a surprise package to make the top 10 as he possesses a great short game.

Bells Bookies – To Win 40/1 To Moose 30/1


previous 15 years (28/-/21/5/20/16/-/5/21/11/16/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 23 (Last year 20)

Struggled last year when only 28th and game looked in total disarray in recent Howley ‘Warm up’ but has 3 shots back here and was 5th in 2014 off a lot less, so maybe some intense adjustments at the driving range will iron out some technical issues. Plenty of shrewd money going on him to Moose but I have a feeling a good first day will put that to bed.

Bells Bookies – To Win 75/1 To Moose 20/1


previous 15 years (31/12/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 20 (Last year 18)

As predicted, struggled last year when just avoiding the bottom 5 and his begging letters to the committee have worked as he gets two shots back this year, should really see him home safely and capable of making an impact overall. If he played as good as he snored we might as well give him the trophy now! I will top myself if I ever have to share a room with him again, ‘shocking’!

Bells Bookies – To Win 100/1 To Moose 12/1


previous 15 years (-/-/-/27/12/25/20/21/16/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 26 (25 in 2014)

Great to see the return of our Northern star, in the words of a once famous tv show called The Six Million Dollar Man ‘We can rebuild him, we have the technology’. So now can Mr Copley still play golf, the whole Calco has been cranked up a notch or two since he last played in 2014 and anyone who can’t get to near 50 pts in 2 days will be close to being crowned Moose. A lenient handicap will help but the pressure could mean a real battle to avoid the antlers.

Bells Bookies – To Win 100/1 To Moose 8/1


previous 15 years (19/25/15/-/-/15/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 20 (Last year 22)

Well backed this year and you would think this could be a genuine chance to shine; can not understand a 2 shot cut from last year and yet to finish better than 15th in four Calco appearances. Very good from anywhere 100 yds or less but a wayward driver often costing a lot of points, always produces one good round from the two so definitely not Moose material but another midfield slot beckons.

Bells Bookies – To Win 12/1 To Moose 30/1


previous 15 years (35/21/-/24/4/12/6/3/19/8/14/6/14/10/1)

Handicap – 21 (Last year 18)

One of our stalwarts of the Calco Cup, and winner way back in 2003, had a shocker last year when coming close to the dreaded antlers but still managed the newish honour of moosette! Now retired from work and playing plenty of golf and a generous 3 shots back, our popular Northerner should easily be in the top half, reports of a bad back has seen a few shillings going on our veteran to Moose!

Bells Bookies – To Win 50/1 To Moose 20/1


previous 15 years (29/18/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 19 (Last year 20)

Swashbuckling power player who hits the crap out of the ball and golf fanatic who just needs to reign it in a touch and he will improve vastly on his 3rd Calco start! Embraced the crack of the tour to the full and potential top 10 for sure but equally could find the pressure too much to handle which brings the antlers into play as well, but way too good for that in my opinion.

Bells Bookies – To Win 40/1 To Moose 30/1


previous 15 years (12/4/14/31/13/18/1/27/7/9/4/8/-/-/-)

Handicap – 15 (Last year 16)

For the past 3 years, poor first days have been followed by blistering second rounds and again last year worked his way up from the moosette group to finish 12th when well fancied to win from the start! what does that tell us? Yes Calco Eve!! And guilty as charged of over doing the alcohol the night before like so many! Preparation this year has gone well and going out early to acclimatise is a massive plus; be amazed if Doigy is not in the last couple of groups on day 2 and massive chance of adding a second Calco title barring any accidents!

Bells Bookies – To Win 25/1 To Moose 30/1


previous 15 years (3/33/12/2/30/19/7/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 14 (Last year 15)

A great effort in 2017 when 3rd and trimmed a shot this year; still looks well in to me and sure to contest again! when dialled in, as good as any from tee to green but putting always a touch suspect, has a great four ball on day 1 though he’s been warned to take some cotton wool for his ears at night time as he’s sharing the room with two grizzly bears in the shape of Elvis & Mr Ulla, two notoriously bad snorers! Classy on & off the course!

Bells Bookies – To Win 10/1 To Moose 100/1


previous 15 years (8/7/11/12/6/3/2/23/6/13/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 10 (Last year 12)

Ten Calco’s and 6 top 10 finishes but no victory is solid form and again next years Northern Ryder Cup Challenge Captain looks set for another solid effort. A two shot pull though means he may come up slightly short again. Been playing out of his skin all year so yet still may beat the handicap and has a ‘Brooks Koepka’ like calmness about him, shame he doesn’t have the same physique!

Bells Bookies – To Win 20/1 To Moose 100/1


previous 15 years (5/16/17/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 5 (Last year 7)

Brilliant 5th in 2017 where he recorded a superb blob free 36 holes! Now our lowest handicapper after a very penal 2 shot cut, not sure how he’s upset the handicap committee. lives the tour to the full on and mostly off the golf course and even makes me look good first thing in the morning! Top lad and a joy to have on the Calco but may have to wait another year or two before he lifts the trophy.

Bells Bookies – To Win 15/1 To Moose 100/1


previous 15 years (6/9/6/10/3/9/4/7/2/21/2/4/2/1/4)

Handicap – 9 (Last year 9)

Another who recently tied the knot and is in a good place which always helps a scorecard. While others around are being chopped, Foz is off a nice mark and more than capable of winning this year. Most respected on and off the course and a real character, form figures to die for and bookie taking no chances, solid all round game.

Bells Bookies – To Win 15/1 To Moose 100/1


previous 15 years (4/30/5/29/15/5/19/18/13//23/10/13/10/13/6)

Handicap – 15 (Last year 16)

Continues to search for that elusive first title and came oh so close last year. Trimmed a shot and looks likely to miss out again but does have the game to contend if the pressure doesn’t get to him. We all owe the SAS so much for making the Calco so special and even I wouldn’t begrudge him a victory though it will likely cost me a few euros! That unfortunately for Steve won’t be the case!

Bells Bookies – To Win 15/1 To Moose 75/1


previous 15 years (32/1/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 15 (Last year 14)

Came a little bit too close for comfort to going from Golden Goose to Moose last year and will need to step it up big time to be a player here! Quality ball striker and not to be underestimated now the famous victory in 2016 is tucked away safely, already becoming a Calco legend and so many look forward to seeing our Jimmy perform, and that’s not just on the golf course!

Bells Bookies – To Win 40/1 To Moose 25/1


previous 15 years (23/8/10/20/5/8/14/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 18 (Last year 18)

Up until last year not a bad record in the Calco and surprised he gets no help from the handicapper. Hasn’t played as much this year so could be a bit of value to be at the wrong end. Great lad, like all, and always gives it 110 % and sometimes try’s on the course as well! Probably too good to Moose but bottom 5 not unlikely.

Bells Bookies – To Win 100/1 To Moose 15/1


previous 15 years (22/29/29/6/23/26/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 17 (Last year 18)

Now this is one I don’t understand, one good Calco in six and his handicap is coming down all the time, obviously saves his best performances back at home, in fact that applies to a few! Powerful and long but needs a touch of refinement to contend and will feel the pressure if not getting off to a flyer so that obviously might bring the wrong end into play.

Bells Bookies – To Win 20/1 To Moose 30/1


previous 15 years (34/32/22/21/16/13/-/16/18/-/-/-/3/6/2)

Handicap – 15 (Last year 15)

Now then Mr Lister, what can we say? Made me plenty of money when in bottom 5 last year and a repeat might well be on the cards! The minute he steps on foreign soil he turns from whacker to hacker, will the real Phil Lister please stand up. Form guide is predicting this year will be a better year, a bit more focus and he is well capable of finishing in the top 10, complete fruitcake but we all love him!

Bells Bookies – To Win 30/1 To Moose 30/1


previous 15 years (16/19/20/24/27/-/22/10/20/14/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 26 (Last year 26)

Excellent 16th in 2017 and continues to keep away from real trouble, brilliant to have on Calco and there would be no more a popular winner but not really on anyone’s shortlist. Recent injury problems are a real worry and he may need to dig deep to not be near or in Moose group.

Bells Bookies – To Win 75/1 To Moose 20/1


previous 15 years (13/32/28/28/1/11/3/8/-/-/9/15/6/3/9)

Handicap – 18 (Last year 18)

Came out of the doldrums last year to finish a creditable 13th. He has his mojo back and if controlling the urge to get totally slaughtered Calco eve,he could repeat his heroics from 2013! The later tee times will help and reports of his preparation going particularly well he is proper value at 40/1 to make the frame, providing they have the right grass of course!

Bells Bookies – To Win 40/1 To Moose 30/1


previous 15 years (17/wd/23/17/7/13/9/5/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 19 (Last year 18)

Interesting handicap and our party animal will be licking his lips off this mark. Took the Howley Warm Up easily and has been very steady all year, at 20/1 he is as short as he’s ever been to land the Calco and if fully fit, he will definitely contend. A real character and another we all look forward to seeing each year.

Bells Bookies – To Win 20/1 To Moose 75/1


previous 15 years (25/24/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 20 (Last year 20)

Not seen anything good in his first two years on the Calco on the golf course, we’ve been treated to plenty of entertainment away from it and another lad who makes the event very special. He’s no mug when it all clicks and can play a bit so chances off this handicap to contend if he can start well.

Bells Bookies – To Win 20/1 To Moose 30/1



Handicap – 17

A big welcome to Paul on his first Calco and I’m sure he will enjoy himself to the full! My spies tell me he’s very steady and hits a nice ball; he will find out that playing with hardly any sleep, usually a mega hangover and with a bunch of degenerates like us, makes it that little bit harder to play golf. Any thoughts of sloping off to bed early and there might not be an invite in the post for 2019!

Bells Bookies – To Win 40/1 To Moose 30/1


previous 15 years (2/5/19/7/9/6/8/11/1/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 10 (Last year 11)

Came oh so close to winning the last 2 years and mr consistency has to be involved again! Certainly gave us one of the top all time Calco moments when nailing the first ever hole in one in 2017 provoking some memorable scenes in the bar afterwards! Bells Bookies ante post favourite does lose a shot and will need to hold off a touch on the power on day 1 as accuracy is more key, if in the golden Goose group on day 2 I will be all in on a victory as San Lorenzo will most certainly suit.

Bells Bookies – To Win 9/1 To Moose 100/1


previous 15 years (33/14/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 12 (Last year 12)

His 33rd place last year left a lot of people scratching their heads and surely we will see a better performance this year. On his day, can play to single figures so has to come into consideration for top honours, some might say he saves his best efforts for the 19th hole etc etc so he will need to not be led astray if he is to be successful. Always enjoys himself to the full.

Bells Bookies – To Win 25/1 To Moose 50/1


previous 15 years (20/6/24/11/8/2/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 13 (Last year 13)

Not a great effort last year after a promising 2016 but has been in scintillating form at home this year and courses will be much more to his liking! Will get the Northern boys wound up and has a reasonable chance of Calco glory before he Captains the South to a famous victory next May.

Bells Bookies – To Win 20/1 To Moose 50/1


previous 15 years (18/31/26/19/18/21/23/20/22/24/19/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 23 (Last year 23)

Reasonable effort in 2017 when 18th but yet to record a top 10 in eleven Calco’s and gets no help from the handicapper. Another who epitomises what’s great about the event and a bang trier; competition is stiffer than ever and will need to make every point count or could well find himself dragged into the Moose group.

Bells Bookies – To Win 50/1 To Moose 25/1


previous 15 years (26/30/15/2/20/18/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 19 (Last year 18)

Stunning record and sure to be in contention this year. Playing out of his skin, well handicapped and technically a joy to watch! Holes look like buckets and has more shots in the bag than Bubba Watson, only injury will prevent him from lifting the trophy and many more are expected to come his way in the future….just for you Micky!

Bells Bookies – To Win 50/1 To Moose 15/1


previous 15 years (-/20/17/17/26/-/12/12/4/17/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 20 (2016 – 19)

Good to have Jeff back after missing last year, his wit and humour were much missed as was his Jimmy Holliday love! Another steady eddy who has played well all year. He can keep out of trouble and not beyond the realms of possibilities to get close to the top 10 but a Calco victory would be fanciful at best.

Bells Bookies – To Win 75/1 To Moose 25/1


previous 15 years (10/3/9/9/11/10/16/6/11/1/20/17/-/-/-)

Handicap – 12 (Last year 14)

Excellent overall record and working hard to improve each year; cracking first day in 2017 topping the leaderboard but fell away to finish 10th. A two shot pull seems desperately unfair but still expect another bold showing, has as much chance of moosing as the Northerners have of not drinking any alcohol this Calco!

Bells Bookies – To Win 15/1 To Moose 100/1


previous 15 years (11/13/3/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 8 (Last year 8)

One of our better players and a solid 3 years on the Calco and should really contend here. Can match the best on tour, on the drinking side that is! His golf’s not too shabby either, certainly won’t ever be seeing a Moose group but needs a few more putts to drop to win.

Bells Bookies – To Win 20/1 To Moose 100/1


previous 15 years (27/15/8/16/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 15 (Last year 15)

Last but not least, our lovable party animal! Another to have tied the knot this year and golf maybe not at the forefront of his mind but make no mistake he can play a bit. Totally dismissed by our bookie to the point he is a spot of value, don’t believe he can moose but midfield at best for me.

Bells Bookies – To Win 75/1 To Moose 25/1

FORMGUIDE BETTING (Not representing Bells Bookies prices)

7/1 Paul Ephremsen, 8/1 Steve Tattersfield, 10/1 Peter Burke, 12/1 Peter Forster, Simon Woolridge, 14/1 Chris Ramm, Alan Doig, 16/1 Andy Fearnsides, Kevin Ulla 20/1 Rob Fleming, Micky Baldwin, Steve Hardwick, 25/1 Gavin Whitworth, Gary Burrows, Martin Crossfield, Paul Sykes 33/1 Damian Thorngate, Phil Lister, Paul Rich, Ben Moyle, Jeff Wind, 40/1 Mark Wallis (S), Paul Cawtheray, Craig Lightowler, Jimmy Curley, 50/1 Jimmy Holiday, Adam Davison, Yella Yates, 66/1 Andy Kaye, Phil Cawtheray, John Clements, 100/1 David Bell, Steve Callaghan, Mark Wallis (N), Graham Copley, Keith Loughran


With just under two weeks to go the anticipation and nerves are starting to kick in as the Calco Cup just seems to get better each year, the fun off the course is a joy, despite a few of us getting on a bit now! and those late nights take its toll. The golf is still incredibly social and great fun but without doubt the standard is higher than ever before. Intensive practice pre Calco is needed, not just to try and win the legendary trophy, but more importantly to try and not have the unfortunate honour of being Moose or Moosette!

This year the bar is set high as we face two top class courses in the Algarve, day 1 on the Pinheiros Alto will test all the skills in the bag and the mission will be to score enough points to not be near the bottom end and if anyone is lucky enough, to maybe, get enough points to contend as we move to San Lorenzo on day 2, which not that long ago was ranked as one of the top 5 courses in Europe. So who does Form guide think will be in the overall top 5? Alan Doig, Andy Fearnsides, Simon Woolridge, Chris Ramm and Phil Lister can fill the top 10 but PETER BURKE has a Calco record to die for and with a shot back this year he will make the top 5 and at 20/1 is huge value to win. STEVE TATTERSFIELD 9/1 ante post favourite has had two fantastic chances to win in the last two Calco’s but has just come up short, again he will contend. PAUL EPHREMSEN came close last year and is still on a nice handicap, at 10/1 he has to make the frame, though not a huge price. (15/1) PETER FORSTER, a veteran Calconian and recently married will prove he still has the game and experience to be right up there from the off, but formguide thinks it’s found a bit of value to take outright honours, step up GARRY BURROWS at a huge 40/1!! Three solid efforts including a runner up spot in 2016 he is handicapped just about right, he seems to peak at the right time and can compile two solid rounds to lift the trophy.

So more importantly ? the Moose award looks destined to be a titanic struggle and battle, no doubt STEVE CALLAGHAN (8/1) and the returning & popular GRAHAM COPLEY (8/1) can play a bit but even 25 pts on day 1 won’t be safe and look sure to be involved. Having two Wallis’s on tour is enough for anyone but both have good enough games to keep out of trouble and David Bell looks to be the most improved player in the whole Calco and any thoughts of thinking he will be moosing should be dismissed. A more likely scenario is a top half finish. Jimmy Curley struggles with injuries galore these days but off 21 is way too good to take the moosette this year. Rich, Clements & Holliday need to be on their best form not to get dragged into the bottom 5 but all have better handicaps this year. I hate saying it but I can see the likes of ANDY KAYE (15/1) & the steady KEITH LOUGHRAN (well backed 30/1 – 20/1) battling in the moose or moosette group on day 2. Now purely on value and mainly because this likeable lads overall record is poor CRAIG LIGHTOWLER at 30/1 is huge value to wear the Antlers this year!! Yes his form at home is very good but the pressure teeing it up at the Calco is a different story. All five picked above will no doubt prove me wrong and I’m sure to get their juices flowing so let’s bring it on, CALCO 2018.

Hope you enjoyed the read and the very best of luck

Mark Wallis (s)


Gentlemen following on from an excellent form guide (for some 🙂 )from Mark, this year you have your first TRAVEL GUIDE.

The Formosa park is somewhat remote but has given us a heavily discounted rate to play two top courses.

Here are some key points for your consideration, in the hope of saving us all money and just basically getting a feel for where we are heading as it is slightly different to the last few years.

So a few pointers but not rules if you get my drift here…..just a heads up.

 Formosa Park is just 11 miles from Faro so a far shorter journey time (20-25 mins)

Nearest Supermarket is approx 4 miles away in Quinta da lago (25 euros taxi return)

Villamoura Marina is 8.5 miles (23 mins taxi costing between 30- 40 euros each way) You will not get 8 taxis in a row at this price, the hotel uses it’s own rank which is why it is dearer i am told.

Ancao beach is a 5-10 minute walk (downhill going) where there are very very nice restaurants, but no huge bars, it’s classy! The shack looks like a burger type of bar where groups of 4 could just turn up but Passos looks an absolute  stand out restaurant BUT in groups  of 4 or more it’s a booking. So if 36 descend unannounced anywhere near here then say Adios! It’s a no.

It’s a stunning  Xclusiv beach for possibly a Thursday night setting and comes at a notoriously higher price. Fish / Steak steak, check it out

I cannot see a Mcdonlads sign anywhere 🙂 good .

So we head to where there is no real ‘corner shop’ so stock up on your waters, sugar rush items, snacks en route as the saving grace is there are good fridges in all rooms. 

I am actually thinking here whether anyone wants to be a named driver on a mini bus hire for shuttles? Purely a thought but cost split across 36 of us and a mini bus / car for the period? Me and Jimmy did it years ago it actually worked very well. Anyone going and not drinking????

 Onto the golf:

 Golf transfers: Via hotel and no pre booking i am told, rock up and jump in, but don’t miss your team photo!!!!

 Pin heiros day one: 4.5 miles

San Lorenzo day two 5.5 miles.

 Please allow plenty of time.

Food & Drink at the hotel:

Looks like there is just the Arcos bar which closes at 12 Midnight!

As for food 7.30 am  Breakfast starts and ends at 10.29am when Hardwick & Lister walk in.

Snacks are available from 11 am till 7.30pm but after that it;s A la Carte only…(Normal dining to those from the South, but waaaaaaay out of budget to those from the North and no chance at all of knowing which cuttlery to use for the correct course so avoid at all costs you Northern Monkeys.

 Drink Prices: Normal to Southerners, Northerners may wish to do the minibus hire and stock up and do room parties as the balconies are massive and rooms are very spacious!

Only problem here is the like s of Doigy being a constant danger to trying to balcony jump the pool head first.

 Finally ‘if in doubt, crash out, …..yes the Non golfers have a stunning marina apartment, i would suggest for several of you, learning where this is and doing a deal for a ‘floor stay’ if you cannot make it back….and hey presto ringing the Calco shuttle bus to pick you up for a cut price 35 euros the following morning! 🙂


Wednesday is normally long and the Auction but i can see a few heading into the Marina due to the later tee times or us even hitting a beach bar for the auction.

Thursday is when the sh@t sh@t themselves but not as much as those who have never moosed and could see a decent steadier night with a nice meal out

Friday is just the best day ever…..possibly food at the clubhouse as we are not being picked up until 8.30pm and then onto our games night…again a few will be heading for the Marina i imagine

Saturday has taken a twist with our Toga afternoon

Sunday The Southerners again leave early again empty handed, with the Northern Monkeys lapping up more beer and adding extra baggage for THE CUP.

Kind regards,

 One half of the two halves that make up the SAS  who both never stop thinking about how we can make this trip even better!