The Calco Cup 2019
Fota Island, Cork, Ireland
Friday 13th September

The top of the morning to you, gentlemen …..It’s that time of year again!

The 19th Calco Cup will be played in Cork, Ireland with Fota Island being chosen as the venue for this year’s event

-1753Days -14Hours -30Mins -42Secs

The Calco Cup is the big one we all want to win, and after the majority of golfers having already played in the recent Ryder Cup then the banter will be in full swing of that I am sure. Tell me again…Where is that little trophy?


There are several changes to the field this year with a reduction from 36 down to 32. Sadly missing the high standards being reached year in & year out will be Mr Poker face himself Paul Ephremsen, Damien ‘thorn in my side’ Thorngate, & our man with the accent of all accents Mark Wallis (North). The Kung Fu Fighter himself Mr Garry Burrows is doing the bloody okey cokey, no doubt in readiness for the bars of Cork. He was out but currently he is in! More good news as we welcome back on board the popular 2017 Moose Ady Clough. Trust me he will be VERY popular if he can repeat his 2017 form. The surprise package this year gents is we have the return of the one and only Jack Horner after a long sabbatical! Then the popular Howley Hall mafia member rookie Joe Buckley is raring to go I hear, a good Calco christening could be a golfing wake up call no doubt.

Graham Copley will hopefully have fully recovered from the illness which blighted his 2018 campaign and saw him MOOSE. Puzzled by his dip in form and constant nausea on the tee boxes and the greens he went to the doctors. When they had finished their examination the words shank, slice and air shot were added to his medical CV and he was dismissed as fully fit.

Paul Cawtheray being the only one to run Graham close settled for the MOOSETTE and didn’t half make us chuckle. In the pool on the morning of day one he was asked how he was feeling and if he was worth a bet?

Paul replied ‘I honestly think I can win it Calla’ enough said about that then Paul!

The 2018 Champion Elect Kevin Ulla will be hoping for back to backs but a guaranteed handicap pull will surely be too difficult given the standard of players around him. Mr Ulla though is always out to surprise, you simply cannot keep a good dog down as the say.

So what’s changing this year? Well for one, the accommodation goes back to rooms of two. The traditional Fancy dress is OUT for 2019 as Cork doesn’t look too fondly on it we are told, and we play Friday & Saturday rather than the traditional Thursday & Friday.

We also play the same course TWICE, which really will make things interesting indeed, and to the joy of many Buggies are included in the price!

Our resident bookie David ‘Ding dong’ Bell & The SAS have teamed up to offer some fun over the two days with a ‘Hole in the one’ competition and we have our fun filled bus journeys to look forward to with a good half an hour travel time to and from the venue. Here’s hoping for a microphone and a good old Calco singalong.

Now for the breaking news! Phil Lister Batley (aka PLB) is back on board, yellow cards all rescinded and he will be raring to go with his wit & humour on the committee table at the presentation which will take place on Sunday evening this year. Poor old Doigy is trying so hard but he’s just not quite reaching the dizzy heights required….. mind you some say he never will!

So gents, a relaxing spa, a stunning golf setting and the famous humour of the Irish await us.

Steve & Stephen (the two halves that make up the SAS)

We look forward to welcoming you.

The Warm Up – 4/8/19

After a miserable forecast of thunderstorms and heavy downpours for Sundays gathering, once again the sun shone on the Calco boys. A fantastic turnout of 26 made it a competitive day with great camaraderie and a few surprises thrown in.

Singles stableford was the format and good performances were thrown in from a couple of Calconians who have struggled recently. Ady Clough with a stoic 32 will throw the cat amongst the pigeons and confuse our resident bookie. Ben Moyle with a very steady 33 points after a couple of years in the wilderness. Usual suspects of Tatts, Micky B and Yella hovering around the spoils, but two who definitely surprised was a second spot for Jack Horner on his return after a five year sabbatical and our 2019 rookie Joe Buckley, both with great scores of 35 when the course was set up as challenging as it gets. Will Mr Buckley handle the Calco pressure though!!!

At the wrong end with droppings all around them were, surprisingly, big Robbe Fleming and Andrew Flumpside!! Maybe these guys are starting to get a tickle in the throat or are they just trying to get better odds off Mr Bell himself!!

Rock bottom and “ Moose grunts ringing all around” was ‘Coco’ the clown, our very own southern “gobshite” Mr Mark Wallis (S) himself!!! Obviously excuses were at the ready and he managed to throw several out there within three minutes of walking off the course. Just a blip I’m sure but many would love to see the circus come to Cork :0)

So with five weeks to go there’s still time to find a couple of shots from somewhere. Increase percentage putting, Improve course management, straighten those drives and tweak those irons.

It’s the business end boys and you only get out what you put in!

See you in Cork on the 12th.


 Steve & Stephen ( The two halves that make up the SAS )

The Warm Up Final Positions

Jason Taggart 37
Jack Horner 35
Joe Buckley 35
Ben Moyle 33
Micky Baldwin 33
Ady Clough 32
Steve Tattersfield 31
Steve Hardwick 30
Andrew Yates 30
Martin Crossfield 30
Phil Lister 30
Simon Woolridge 30
Paul Sykes 30
Jeff Wind 29
Jimmy Curley 28
Alan Doig 28
Gavin Whitworth 27
Peter Forster 27
Chris Ramm 27
Adam Davison 25
Craig Lightowler 25
Robbe Fleming 24
Jamie Cawtheray 24
Andrew Fearnsides 23
Shaun Forster 21
Mark Wallis (S) 17

Calco Cup 2019 Information



Peter Burke 6
Robbe Fleming 7
Simon Woolridge 8
Peter Forster 10
Steve Tattersfield 10
Andy Fearnsides 10
Kevin Ulla 10
Alan Doig 10
Micky Baldwin 12
Gavin Whitworth 12
Phil Lister 13
Steve Hardwick 14
Jimmy Holliday 15
Andrew Yates 15
Jack Horner 15
Craig Lightowler 16
Adam Davison 17
Martin Crossfield 17
Paul Sykes 17
Ben Moyle 18
Andrew Kaye 18
Paul Rich 18
Joe Buckley 19
Garry Burrows 19
Mark Wallis (S) 19
Jimmy Curley 20
Jeff Wind 20
John Clements 22
Ben Yeadon 28
Graham Copley 28
Ady Clough 28
Stephen Callaghan 28

The Draw

Jimmy Holliday
Peter Forster
Jack Horner
Graham Copley

Robbe Fleming
Ben Moyle
Craig Lightowler
Martin Crossfield

Jeff Wind
Alan Doig
Garry Burrows
Micky Baldwin

Paul Rich
John Clements
Mark Wallis (S)
Paul Sykes

Peter Burke
Phil Lister
Stephen Callaghan
Steve Hardwick

Kevin Ulla
Ben Yeadon
Adam Davison
Andrew Kaye

Joe Buckley
Andrew Yates
Gavin Whitworth
Ady Clough

Jimmy Curley
Andrew Fearnsides
Steve Tattersfield
Simon Woolridge

Calco Cup 2019 Form Guide


VENUE – Fota Island Golf Club – Cork

FIELD – 32

Peter Burke (3), Ben Moyle (2), Alan Doig, Steve Tattersfield, Jimmy Holiday, Micky Baldwin, Gav Whitworth, Peter Forster, Jimmy Curley, Kevin Ulla

Steve Callaghan (4), David Bell (3), Ady Clough (2), Gav Whitworth, Mark Wallis (s), Graham Copley

Bells Bookies by 12th September

Mostly fine & sunny but slightly breezy & possible light shower (15 – 18 degrees)

DAY 1 & 2
FOTA ISLAND (Deerpark Course 6,100 yds – par 71)

A famous Irish parkland course that has hosted the Irish Open on numerous occasions, a variation of long & short par 4’s with five par 3’s but lots of strategically placed bunkers and a few water hazards to overcome, receptive and fast undulating greens should make it a memorable Calco Cup (read hole by hole guide at the bottom) where accuracy, power and scrambling abilities will be key to success but the longer hitters will also find a few holes that suit.

Key Attribute – Power & Accuracy

2018 – 36 players
2017 – 36
2016 – 35
2015 – 30 (2 withdrawals)
2014 – 32
2013 – 32
2012 – 28
2011 – 24
2010 – 24
2009 – 24
2008 – 24
2007 – 20
2006 – 20
2005 – 16
2004 – 15
2003 – 12

Story of 2018

Despite locating a few miles from the centre of the action in Vilamoura another fantastic Calco Cup was had by all and again 36 players lined up at Pinheiros Alto on day 1. This course was a little gem and had many scratching their heads on how difficult it was, especially given its length. A difficult tee shot to start on the opening hole made scoring just a point hard to come by. The course didn’t really relent and not surprisingly only 5 players broke the 30 point barrier. Good rounds from ‘Yella’ Yates (30) and on debut Paul Sykes (31) and the classy Damian Thorngate (31) set the tone and it quickly became apparent that these were good scores which were only topped by Andy Fearnsides (32) and our leader Kevin Ulla, who had come into the event in great form, scored a very decent 34 points to lead in the clubhouse by 2 shots. A total of 9 players shot 29 points and realistically these were the only ones who still could dream of Calco glory. Mark Wallis (s), Andy Kaye & Garry Burrows were amongst those on 29 points which was pleasing but rather than dream of winning the Cup, they probably slept easier, as it would take a complete disaster for them to moose. Those in trouble and guaranteed a sleepless night included all four of the Loughran’s (18), SAS ‘s Steve Callaghan (18) and amazingly the well backed Paul Ephremsen (18) with annual struggler Mark Wallis (N) (19) set to make the moose group. Plenty were just a point or two in front of them and they were sure to be nervous as they made up the Moosette group. John ‘Elvis’ Clements’ (20) Jimmy Holiday (21) Graham Copley (21) and Paul Cawtheray (21) only needed a second bad round and they were bang in trouble. Some other surprise failures included Peter ‘Fozzy‘ Forster (22) and reigning champion Micky Baldwin (23) though thoughts of these two mooseing seemed inconceivable.

Apologies for not reciting all the funny stories on tour as I’m getting way too old and struggle to remember yesterday, let alone this time last year. I do remember having a smirk on my face in the bar afterwards as the moose title, that so many had wished would bestow me, looked unlikely to say the least. Worse still for most, I was still within striking range of Calco Glory! Many players looked tired after the days golf as well as over indulging on Calco Eve and were glad to retreat back at the hotel, another sign of plenty of us getting older. Of course there was no stopping the likes of little Al, Craig and a few of the other usual culprits sloping out for a big night, fair play to them!

There was a real buzz on day 2 at the famous San Lorenzo and our crafty cockney and leader Mr Ulla was full of confidence and didn’t we know it. There was no way he was going throw this away with a poor score and it would take a sterling effort from someone else to take the title from him. To be honest a stunning front nine where he easily secured 19 points pulled him well clear of his rivals in the Golden Goose group. Barring some extraordinary performance from anyone in the groups behind, the title was within touching distance. Incredibly that nearly happened as the majestic Adam ‘Davo’ Davison produced some stunning golf from the middle of the pack and scored a day’s best 37 points which ultimately moved him to second place overall. Other good scores coming in like Paul Rich (34), Jimmy Curley (33), Simon Woolridge (32), & ‘Yella’ Yates (31) saw them all move way up the leaderboard but the truth of the matter was that standing on the last tee Kevin Ulla could not be caught. Of course he didn’t know this, and 99 % of the players think this scenario has to change!, but 1 point on the last difficult hole cemented a famous 2 shot victory for the 2019 Ryder Cup Captain which no one could say he didn’t deserve, well done!

Before Kevin Ulla took the title the incredible Moose battle was done & dusted. Again after the first 9 holes all the moose group going out first had scored reasonable points and no doubt the group ahead, bar Jimmy Holiday (28), were beginning to feel the pressure including John Elvis Clements, Graham Copley & Paul Cawtheray and at the half way point there wasn’t more than 3 shots between 7 or 8 players. A little earlier a couple of players still had a nervous hour or so, a shocking 16 points from Mr Burrows had him thanking he’d just scored enough points on Day 1 while Phil Cawtheray (20) took a while before he could breathe easy. With the moose group coming back with reasonable scores Ephremsen (27) Callaghan (26), Mark Wallis (n) & Keith Loughran (24) it meant Graham Copley’s miserable 14 points had dropped him down the field to pick up the accolade of 2018 Moose and didn’t Mr Callaghan give it to him! A very poor 18 points from Paul Cawtheray saw him drop to 35th and the relatively new Moosette title. 

San Lorenzo was a touch disappointing and maybe our digs were a bit too far away from Vilamoura but overall it was still another superb Calco Cup and the pleasure we all get from the tour is incredible! So a big thank you to SAS.

Of course one last word has to be the sad news of the passing away this year of a good friend to many of the Calco players in  David ‘Scoffa’ Schofield and one of our former Ryder Cup players Mickey Lake, let’s all make sure we have a minutes silence on the first tee in memory of these fine men and a raise our glasses to them later on in the evening.


1st – KEVIN ULLA  – 66 pts (20/1 to win)
2nd – Adam Davison – 64 pts (50/1)
3rd – Jimmy Curley – 62 pts (50/1)
4th – Andrew Yates – 61 pts (75/1)

33rd – Mark Wallis (N) – 41 pts (25/1 to moose)
34th – John Clements – 41 pts (12/1)
35th – Paul Cawtheray – 39 pts (20/1)
36th – GRAHAM COPLEY – 36 pts (9/1)

Player Profiles 



Previous 16 years (25/1/11/7/8/28/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 12        (last year 12)

Without doubt a Calco legend and a man who inspires others around him. Form wise is as high up the handicap as possible and after winning in 2017 struggled to get a blow in last year, but reports are that he is back to his best and a solid Ryder Cup in May winning 3 out of 4 matches makes him a danger to all. Top 10 for me but will take a monumental effort to win again, already in our Hall of Fame whatever the outcome.

 Bells Bookies – To win   15/1.   To moose 100/1


previous 16 years (27/30/35/27/26/31/28/21/13/33/22/15/20/-/-/-)

Handicap – 28      (28 last year)

Comfortably avoided being dragged into a moose battle last year and played reasonably well in the Ryder Cup in May. Providing there is full commitment again the next step is a top half finish. His great attitude and some better course management could see this happen. I can see the positions between first & last tighten up considerably so no one can’t win and no one can’t moose, sure to be a few quid wealthier after taking my bets!

 Bells Bookies – To win  100/1.  To Moose 4/1



Handicap – 19     

Will enjoy every minute of the Calco Cup on debut and if his 3rd place finish in the warm up is anything to go by he might even be a contender! Nice ball striker off 19 and Fota Island has a few similarities to Howley so no reason why he can’t contend, though many have fallen victim to the intense pressure this event brings especially at the moose end.

 Bells Bookies –  To win    25/1. To moose 40/1


previous 16 years (21/9/10/1/3/10/-/-/-/-/-/-/1/-/1/-)

Handicap – 6 (Last year 6)

Still scratching my head over last years lowly 21st place finish for our three time Calco champion. An excellent 4 points from 4 in the Ryder Cup earlier in the year where he was the second best player on the Southern side!! had many saying the trophy will be coming his way again. Top ranked amongst the 32 players off 6, will not be easy but big big contender and certain to be in last two groups on day 2 and victory guarantees we hear those lovely dulcet tones.

 Bells Bookies – To win  12/1.  To moose 100/1


previous 16 years (30/14/2/13/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 19 (Last year 19)

After a reasonable first day last year the wheels came off on day 2 and for a minute the moose could have been looming! Will literally fight his way back this year but that 2nd place finish in 2016 is beginning to look like a fluke. Difficult to predict either way but as always with Garry he will be a joy to be around both on & off the course.

 Bells Bookies – To win  50/1. To moose 25/1


Previous years (31/21/16/25/30/19/21/24/17/24/12/17/17/15/15/12)

Handicap -28    (28 last year)

Looked in real trouble after day 1 last year with a poor 18 pts but battled well to keep away from the moose honours and sickeningly took great pleasure out of Mr Copley’s demise. Of the 28 handicappers he is not the worst but equally can’t take anything for granted as Fota Island is tough and every point earned will be vital. Should be in his element as the leader of the group in Blarney land and will provide plenty of entertainment on the course and maybe a bit off it as well!

 Bells Bookies – To win 75/1    To moose 8/1


previous 16 years (34/31/12/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 22 (Last year 18)

Two poor rounds last year very nearly left Elvis ‘All Shook Up’ and taking the moose honours but he survived and gets two shots back this year. ‘That’s All Right’ and much needed and may take enough pressure off our ‘Hound Dog’ or just maybe it could be ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ again. Thankfully I’m not sharing a room with him as there will be no ‘Burning Love’ with that snoring! ‘Viva Las Vegas’!!!

Bells Bookies – To win  75/1     To moose 15/1


previous 16 years (36/-/-/-/27/12/25/20/21/16/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 28 (last year 26)

Well Mr Copley can’t say he wasn’t warned last year!! The competition is just that bit tougher these days, completely fell apart on the last day to moose but I’m imagining that deeply hurt and getting a couple of shots back he can safely stay clear of trouble this year. He can take comfort in the fact it’s very rare for someone to moose on consecutive years, still it’s fantastic to have him back after a few years rebuilding that magnificent physique!

Bells Bookies – To win 75/1   To moose 5/1


previous 16 years (-/19/25/15/-/-/15/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 17 (2017 – 22)

Unfortunately missed last year but back and has gone in a few notebooks as a dark horse to lift the trophy. Has yet to sparkle in four previous appearances but this could be his chance! Great character and would be a popular winner and struck the ball nicely in the warm up. Will definitely be in the top half but 17 is a tough handicap from 22 in 2017, a pleasure to be around and enjoys the trip to the full.

 Bells Bookies –  To win 20/1     To moose 75/1


previous 16 years (3/35/21/-/24/4/12/6/3/19/8/14/6/14/10/1)

Handicap – 20 (Last year 21)

Returned to form with a bang last year finishing 3rd after being moosette the year before. Capable of brilliance with plenty of rubbish in between, our veteran calconian is showing no signs of stopping both on & off the course. Would save valuable energy with one or 2 less practice swings!

Bells Bookies – To win 25/1   To moose 30/1


previous 16 years (2/29/18/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 17 (Last year 19)

Stunning final day last year scorching round San Lorenzo and picking up 37 points and coming from way off the pace to finish runner up. Playing off two shots less hasn’t made it easier but without doubt has the ability to challenge for the cup. Of course another party animal and always have to factor that in to the equation, peaking at the right time if the Facebook stories are true.

 Bells Bookies – To win 15/1  To moose 100/1


previous 16 years (25/12/4/14/31/13/18/1/27/7/9/4/8/-/-/-)

Handicap – 10 (Last year 15)

Never got going at all last year and the only thing he would have won would have been the ‘who drank the most alcohol on tour trophy’ which was a landslide victory! Now we all feel the love for our little happy chappie but realistically a five shot pull might make it seriously impossible to claim that second Calco title and he has had to battle not to moose before. So our form guide is predicting the value at 30/1 each way to moose is here, sorry mate. 

Bells Bookies – To win 25/1  To moose 30/1


previous 16 years (7/8/7/11/12/6/3/2/23/6/13/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 10 (Last year 11)

Victorious Northern captain in May and is still on a high and his golf is still on the up so another solid performance is expected though a Calco victory is hard to land. Could this be the year? Has the game and the experience and maybe at 20/1 is a shade overpriced, always a pleasure to be on tour with and embraces everything the Calco is about, though I’m hating the winning Ryder Cup smirk!

Bells Bookies – To win 20/1   To moose 50/1


previous 16 years (10/5/16/17/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 7 (Last year 5)

Now then now then! handicap committee must have relented to his moaning & begging letters as he quickly gets his two shots back he somehow was penalised for last year and he knows now is his time to shine. So many around him have been cut or still face a tough mark and I will be shocked if he’s not in the Golden Goose group on day 2. At 20/1 is the best each way bet of 2019, real leader and inspirational but we are not talking about on the golf course! Proper party animal!

Bells Bookies – To win 20/1  To moose 75/1


previous 16 years (26/6/9/6/10/3/9/4/7/2/21/2/4/2/1/4)

Handicap – 10 (Last year 9)

A veteran of the Calco and won way back in 2004. Went missing last year with his worst ever performance but normal service should be resumed this year and a shot back will help. Tends to save his best for the coach journeys these days though rumour has it, if he wins, we are all being treated to a pizza delivery! Say no more!

Bells Bookies – To win 12/1   To moose 100/1


previous 16 years (17/4/30/5/29/15/5/19/18/13//23/10/13/10/13/6)

Handicap – 14 (Last year 15)

Mid table again last year and cut another shot for this years renewal means more of the same. Played some good golf this year and a decent Ryder Cup for the North but come Calco Cup time he can’t win and Wallis South will dine out in luxury at least one night at Mr Hardwicks expense! As usual stacks of pre competition money coming in for him which Mr Bell is delighted to take! Sorry Steve. Top top bloke and we forget without him there’s no Calco!

Bells Bookies – To win 15/1  To moose 100/1


previous 16 years (22/32/1/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 15 (Last year 15)

Two poor efforts followed 2016’s famous victory but a better effort here in Ireland is expected from our Calco legend. Has the game to score well and course should suit, outside distractions always come into the equation but Form Guide is predicting a top 10 and maybe even a top 5 finish. May well drift to a better price and as he did when he won strikes the first ball off the tee to get our magnificent event underway.

Bells Bookies – To win 25/1   To moose 25/1


previous 16 years (-/-/-/-/-/7/17/-/4/10/3/5/7/8/9)

Handicap – 15 (2013 – 11)

Fantastic to have Jack back after a five year absence and no doubt has come in off a nice handicap though lack of competitive play might stop him winning. Form Guide is predicting a top 10  place or maybe even better. The Calco standard has moved up a notch or two since he last was in action but his sweet ball striking will be suited by this course.

Bells Bookies – To win 15/1   To moose 50/1


previous 16 years (18/23/8/10/20/5/8/14/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 18 (Last year 18)

Uninspiring record in the Calco and more moose material than Golden Goose these days. Gets no help from the handicap committee and could be in for a nervous second day. Will not worry him as its all about the trip and sure to have a good time whatever happens on the golf course! A pleasure to be around.

Bells Bookies – To win 50/1   To moose 12/1


previous 16 years (19/22/29/29/6/23/26/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 16 (Last year 17)

I probably say the same each year but our swashbuckling youngster promises way more than he delivers, bar one performance a few years ago. Another cut as well from the handicapper could well spell trouble at the wrong end, especially as Ireland is the drinking capital of the world!! Craig & Doigy only an even money shot to make the first tee!! And there are a few more from up North who are in the same boat!

Bells Bookies – To win 25/1  To moose 40/1


previous 16 years (9/34/32/22/21/16/13/-/16/18/-/-/-/3/6/2)

Handicap – 13 (Last year 15)

A man who makes the Calco what it is and a total nutter!! Excellent top 10 last year but again another Northerner who has had his handicap cut. Swinging lovely but can’t possibly win off 13 and most likely will be out early on day 2 after he’s jumped out of my pocket! Will feel the love in his four ball and he & Mr Hardwick can console themselves together when they fail miserably.

Bells Bookies – To win 20/1   To moose  75/1


previous 16 years (15/13/32/28/28/1/11/3/8/-/-/9/15/6/3/9)

Handicap – 18 (Last year 18)

Playing some good stuff with not so much rubbish the last couple of Calco’s and steady enough to keep out of trouble, but Calco Flyer has more chance of winning than he has himself, and that’s with the right grass! A true legend of the annual festivities and embraces it to the full! Yes he really does especially on Calco eve!

Bells Bookies – To win 40/1  To moose 40/1


previous 16 years (6/25/24/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 18 (Last year 20)

An excellent 6th place last year and reasonable Ryder Cup in May would normally give us a look at the value to win this year but a shameful 2 shot pull will mean it’s back to a struggle for our ever youthful Kent boy. Will no doubt lead Mr Holiday astray as well which doesn’t take much doing and can only dream of one day lifting the coveted Calco trophy. Still at least he is popular even if he’s crap at golf!

Bells Bookies – To win 30/1   To moose 30/1


previous 16 years (8/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 17 (Last year 17)

A very creditable 8th on debut last year and played day 2 in the Golden Goose group. A fella who fits in perfect for the Calco Cup, played with him on day 1 and a solid all round game. Could well improve again and contend in Cork, certainly takes some Coco Clown stick in his stride and gives as good as he gets!

Bells Bookies – To win  25/1   To moose 50/1


previous 16 years (12/2/5/19/7/9/6/8/11/1/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 10 (Last year 10)

Was probably disappointed with his 12th place finish last year but normal service will certainly be resumed here on a course that will suit his power. Caught the eye in the Ryder Cup in May playing some stunning golf. Handicapped well while some dangers are penalised and reports coming in is of a man who is ready to lift that trophy again. Only needs to hold his nerve and the Form Guide selection will come up trumps.

Bells Bookies – To win 12/1   To moose 100/1


previous 16 years (1/20/6/24/11/8/2/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 10 (Last year 13)

Glorious victory last year for our Cockney hero and came oh so close to captaining the Southern side to victory in May. Big penalty here but more than capable of putting up a stern defence if fully focused. All courses come alike to the straight hitters like Mr Ulla and that’s his strength though putting and bunker play can be a touch suspect at times. Sure to be entertaining us whatever happens and will always make the trip special.

Bells Bookies – To win 30/1   To moose 75/1


previous 16 years (1/26/30/15/2/20/18/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 19 (Last year 19)

A very decent effort last year just outside the top 10 and confidently predicted to be contending this year. Magnificent performance for the Southern team in the Ryder Cup and can now ditch the ‘clown’ title to ‘Mr 4 points’! Course will suit and Warm Up disaster assured a decent price, has the winning speech ready and the tattooist is booked to inscribe Calco Cup Winner 2019! well we can all dream!

Bells Bookies – To win 50/1   To Moose 20/1


previous 16 years (14/-/20/17/17/26/-/12/12/4/17/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 20 (Last year – 20)

Steady enough last year finishing above mid table but would need a couple of shots back to be a contender, certainly no moose though and again his main battle is whether he can tell a worse joke than Foz on the coach journeys! He’s odds on for this, delightful man and respected in every way.

Bells Bookies – To win 50/1 To moose 25/1


previous 16 years (16/10/3/9/9/11/10/16/6/11/1/20/17/-/-/-)

Handicap – 12 (Last year 12)

Probably another who was disappointed with his mid table 2018 effort where a poor day 1 left him too far off the pace. Remains one of the favourites as no one try’s harder, certainly doesn’t lack self-belief, though the memory of his famous Calco win is beginning to be a distant memory. Will be the centre of attraction on our nights out in Cork as he loves to party!

Bells Bookies – To win 15/1  To moose 100/1


previous 16 years (5/11/13/3/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 8 (Last year 8)

Now fully into the Calco fray and without doubt a decent player on his day. A steady ward up performance and will always be in the mix, all about his preparation which he has kept close to his chest! The trips into Cork are going to be messy and one thing is guaranteed no one will be messier than Mr Woolridge himself, well maybe Doigy will be, erh and Craig, probably Fleming as well but still Simon will match them! A sick bag will be ready for the coach journeys!

Bells Bookies – To win 15/1  To moose 100/1


previous 16 years (4/27/15/8/16/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)

Handicap – 15 (Last year 15)

Magnificent effort to make the frame last year finishing 4th as said by Form Guide as a spot of value. Now almost favourite to win can our human bopper handle the pressure!! Fast becoming a Calco legend and if he lifts the trophy he will get that status, sweet swinger and good short game off a good handicap could well see him go close again.

Bells Bookies – To win 12/1  To Moose 100/1

FORMGUIDE PRICES (not representative of Bells Bookies)

 7/1 Peter Burke, 8/1 Steve Tattersfield, 10/1 Jack Horner, 12/1 Rob Fleming, Simon Woolridge, 14/1 Kev Ulla, Mark Wallis (south), Micky Baldwin, Adam Davison, 16/1 Peter Forster, Andrew Yates, 20/1 Andy Fearnsides, Paul Sykes, Jimmy Holiday, Joe Buckley, Steve Hardwick, 25/1 Gav Whitworth, Martin Crossfield, Jimmy Curley, 33/1 Craig Lightowler, Paul Rich, Jeff Wind, Phil Lister, 40/1 Ben Moyle, Andy Kaye, Alan Doig, 50/1 John Clements, Garry Burrows, 100/1 Ady Clough, Stephen Callaghan, 150/1 David Bell, Graham Copley


 A welcome change from the hot & humid Algarve to the delights of Southern Ireland and if the weather predictions are right (breezy and a shower or two) it will be a real test of golf at the famous FOTA ISLAND and as much as we have 32 players, the truth is, only half a dozen look to have a genuine chance of lifting the trophy. This tough but fair course will suit the better players and I’m confident the likes of Burke, Fleming, Tattersfield & Woolridge will all contend. For me this represents a huge opportunity for a Calco Legend in STEVE TATTERSFIELD @ 12/1 to land the spoils, he played some stunning golf in the Ryder Cup in May and we are hearing he’s in magnificent form at home. The course will surely suit him with plenty of power being rewarded, if he holds his nerve on day 2 he will lift the Cup for the second time. Best value each way has to be ROB FLEMING @ 20/1 who has not just got two shots back but has the advantage of seeing plenty of his main rivals cut. A fine striker of the ball and a little bit more focus will surely make him chief contender to Tatts. There is always a surprise that can make the frame at decent odds and that could possibly come from the likes Horner, Crossfield or even Holiday but this will make you choke! The obvious outsider is staring you in the face, 11th last year when out of form and a magnificent 4 point haul in the RC Mr Wallis South is massive @ 50/1. Forget the Warm Up disaster, a society win last week (38 pts) at the tough West Essex course where he left at least half dozen points out there is excellent preparation. If injury doesn’t intervene he will run the top end players close, you have been warned!

So what about the Moose & Moosette? Many see this as a battle between the four 28 handicappers but all are more than capable of scoring decent points and only have to avoid a silly low score to keep out of trouble. The question is can they do that? Maybe not and I’m sure at least two of Clough, Bell, Copley & Callaghan will get dragged into the moose group on day 2. For me STEVE CALLAGHAN @ 8/1 is a knocking each way bet to be in bottom four, all those players who think they are safe, think again, history proves that some so called golfers can be bang in trouble. The likes of former champions Moyle & Curley recently have been crowned moosette and have only just avoided the worse accolade of being moose. Love him to bits but ALAN DOIG @ 30/1 to moose is value to be in the frame after a ferocious 5 shot pull, while nerves can get to the likes of JOHN ELVIS CLEMENTS @ 15/1 despite a two shot gain from last year he may well still struggle.

Whatever the results we are sure to have a great trip as a better set of lads you could not wish to find and our thanks go to SAS for the tremendous organisation and I hope you all enjoy the read and don’t take it too seriously!

FORM GUIDE (Mark Wallis)


 1  – 343 yds   par 4 (stroke index 7)
Good strike needed uphill to a generous fairway that narrows near the 150 marker will leave a short iron to a difficult green that slopes back to front, anything too long on the approach will be punished, a par start won’t be easy.

2 – 392 yds    par 4 (3)
Tough par 4 where a decent tee shot will still leave a mid to long iron in, favour the right side as a large tree just short of the green on the left side will prove a major hazard, anyone who scores 3 points on this hole will certainly gain shots on the rest of the field

3 – 131 yds   Par 3 (9)
Only a flick with a wedge or 9 iron but the water hazard guarding the tight green will scoop anything short while going long leaves a difficult up & down

4 – 513 yds Par 5 (15)
Nice par 5 where tee shot is key, with a left to right sloping fairway the bunkers on the right are a magnet and a par will be hard to come by if finding these traps, a good second shot will leave a wedge to a difficult sloping green where you need to be below the hole.

 5 – 480 yds Par 5 (17)
A blind tee shot over the wall to a generous fairway, long drives to the right hand side may well tempt a few to have a crack at the green which is dangerous, a safe lay up will leave a pitch onto a long green, flag position is key as you will need an extra club if it’s at the back.

6 – 330 yds Par 4 (13)
A tricky semi blind drive where the brave will go left of the fairway to open up a small elevated green though this brings the out of bounds in play, anything right will leave either a chip back into play or a difficult second shot, all manor of scores are possible on this hole.

 7 – 146 yds Par 3 (11)
Good par 3 where finding the green is not as easy as it looks, a large deep bunker protects the left hand side which will make for a difficult up & down.

 8 – 439 yds Par 4 (1)
As tough a stroke index 1 that you could find, an uphill drive should stay short of a ditch but leaves a rescue or 3 wood into a tough green with water all on the left hand side, the sensible play is to lay up and play it like a par 5

 9 – 385 yds Par 4 (5)
Another tough hole where the tea shot needs a touch of fade to be in position for a long downhill approach to a small fast green, don’t go long!

10 – 475 yds Par 5 (16)
A gentle opener to the back nine but still a proper par 5 that twists both ways, the trouble is on the right off the tee and water hazards await those who attempt to get on in two, a lay up requires a club more to the big green but again don’t go long.

 11 – 123 yds Par 3 (14)
A gentle flick to a long green guarded by water on the front right, much better hole off the back tees and strange to have society tee so far up, definite birdie opportunity

12 – 360 yds Par 4 (4)
Tough Par 4 with trouble both sides of the fairway, a ditch around 240 yds means tee shots need to be well short leaving a decent iron in to a two tired green, par on this hole would be gladly received.

13 – 182 yds Par 3 (12)
Long par 3 that will require a good tee shot to a wide but shallow green, if the pin is on the left of the green the water hazard comes into play, again anyone who gets 3 points on this hole will be above average by a long way

14 – 375 yds Par 4  (2)
No relenting here on a real tough section of the course, big tee shot required up a right to left sloping fairway, need to get up to top of the hill to see the small green and any approach shot sleeked to the right could be wet, another best played like a par 5 for safety 

15 – 404 yds Par 4 (8)
A sharp dog leg to the left could see longer hitters try to chop the corner off which is well guarded by bunkers, the safe tee shot to the right of these bunkers leaves a long approach to a tricky and small green

16 – 390 yds Par 4
The back nine is certainly tougher than the front nine and here is another tough par 4 where tee shots need to be on the left as a number of bunkers protect the shortest route to the green, a good approach is needed to another two tier green that will see plenty of 3 putts or even worse!

17 – 162 yds Par 3 (10)
Another par 3 that’s not as easy as it looks with a right to left sloping green protected at the front by bunkers, even if hitting the right club it’s difficult to hold the green and scrambling skills will be essential here

18 – 470 yds Par 5 (18)
Glorious Par 5 who’s difficulty lays in the tee shot as its a tight fairway to hit and is tree lined both sides, once on the fairway it’s possible to reach this green in two but anything left, right or long will have a watery grave, a birdie is possible here but a blob can certainly come into the equation and no doubt we could see some significant changes in the leaderboard after this finishing gem!