• Phil Jones posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago

    News reaching Alcudia (My Calco Cup debut warm weather training camp) from a very very confident northern paper rep ,who will remain nameless, that his numerous lessons & umpteen rounds of golf are finally paying off and that he’s got at least 3 or 4 shots in hand of his official H’cap mark…….As a Calco Virgin when can I get my 1 Euro each way on this Handicap good thing with the in house bookies please?? Ps I hope the H’cap committee don’t read this Steve Hardwick 😉

    • duly noted !!!
      welcome on board Phil

      • Cheers Andy, looking forward to getting involved! My golfs not great but I can hold my own on the drinking stakes so from what I’ve heard I’ll be in good company!?!?

        • Hi Phil and welcome.
          This is only my third Calco so a relative newcomer myself.
          Am in a position to give you one important tip though.
          Don’t get in a round with Lofty unless you’re REALLY thirsty, he’s a premier division guzzler.
          Oh, and watch out for Doigy. He’s a little accident prone.

          • Cheers Mick have made a note 🙂 & looking forward to meeting everyone. By the way has anyone else heard Hardwick went around Wentworth 9 over gross recently? 16 Handicapper too he tells me, mind you he always told me Satimat was a good paper to print on too!