• Phil Jones posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago

    Today’s playing Report from the very affordable Manor Golf & Country Club…..Lister blatantly got dressed in the dark (electric blue kegs) but still strikes a good iron (30 points) & will play better after a San Miguel, Hardwick’s middle name is now ‘3 putt’ & he even needed 4 go’s with the flat stick at one point! Here’s hoping the faster greens in Portugal help Steve with his distance control. No such problems with his Lob wedge on the short grass in the bedroom the night before though by all accounts (28 points). Chris Ramm scored the best 30 points ever witnessed at the Manor having not landed on one correct fairway. A rolled up tea towel under his armpits will put all this right in Portugal though im informed. And having had an early morning wardrobe malfunction of not fitting into any of my golf trousers anymore (it has been a while) I was just relieved it was warm enough for shorts! Taking a while to master the more rounded swing required to get around my expanding middle I scrambled to 31 points from some not so pretty places by some Micklesonesque chipping & bunker play. All In all more Mooses than Gooses on display today but there’s still plenty of time!!!