• Andrew Kaye posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago

    Played in the comp that Keith won on Sunday. Impressive performance. Hardwick just lost out on victory but played well. Left a standard 3 or 4 shots out there and similar to Lizzy his putting is a concern. V average from myself but in the middle of the annual swing re design. First time I’ve ever played golf where Ferny hasn’t been in the shake up and I’m worried for him that he could suffer burnout. Playing with Doigy tonight and will be discussing Moose avoidance strategies and lying to each other and ourselves about taking it steady on the first night. *Breaking News* is Jeff Wind has had his Van stolen and his golf clubs were taken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Perhaps Mr Winds stolen clubs are Calla`s Moose avoidance strategy.
      Can you confirm your whereabouts on Sunday night / Monday Morning Mr C?
      not sure about burnout Ak but I do like to start a fire 🙂