• Keith Loughran posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago

    A quick review of yesterday’s golf at the picturesque Woodsome Hall ,where a few Calco boys were on show after various lessons, swing changes etc. Bad prep by AK, on the lash from 6-30pm till 3-30 am but managed a creditable 31pts. Doigy still bemoaning his handicap came out with the statement of the day “it’s not my fault I’m shit !” But got a respectable 27pts. Rambo was on a late shift keeping the people of West Yorkshire safe in their beds, so had an average round but he still looked good. Mark Wallis North had a steady round scoring in the late 20’s , no Moose for Marko . Tatts continued his club tossing antics & was leader at the turn but a string of blobs ended his charge for another Tour win. Jeffrey had a poor start but rallied with 20pts on the back 9, could be a contender. Phil Lister Batley had yet another good round scoring 34 pts as well bagging the moolah on the nearest pin. Fearny had, by his standards a below average round but in his defence he was “over tired” after an intense weekend of golf. Stevie Hardwick is absolutely booming it off the tee, if he had his putting game with him he’d have walked it yesterday, after a massive drive then 3 wood on to the green managed to scramble a par that could have so easy been an eagle . He then fannied about on the 17th (some say choked) to let in the eventual winner, which was me . Whoop whoop happy days!!