• Keith Loughran posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago

    Team Calco took the honours yesterday at Crows Nest ably led by Rob “Big Dog” Fleming. Format was two score & we amassed an untouchable score of 87pts all of us contributing at various stages. Micky B is proper smashing his drives but short stuff is letting him down. It`s a long time since I`ve seen Fearny duff as many shots as he did yesterday but still came home with 34pts , impressive ! I was playing off 22 which is lower than my Calco handicap . After a blobless front 9 managed 3 blobs on the return & scored 31pts , same as Micky B. Don`t know Rob`s score he had to shoot off before the presentation . After booming every drive over the 17 holes it was the Longest Drive on 18 that was the undoing of Balders , nobbed it about 70 yds . Funny thing, pressure !