• Phil Lister posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago

    Hello all 🙂 well I have just played at cookridge golf club with Hardwick and bandit burrows !! So all please now sit down and take this in !!
    Choker Hardwick in September ! 42 points !! Yes 42 points he played absolutely superb ! Lister 33 couldn’t live with the x choker bandit burrows 30 he had done a good Calco prep by having a good drink at the boxing until 3am still he has 3 hour more to do for Portugal !! But people please take note !! Glad I got him @30s this just could be his year !! No choking

    • I recall 40 plus points enroute to the Belfry then FA
      ha don’t rule out the choke factor.

      • 42 pts! Now that is unbelievable Jeff! Its getting to the point where this years competition is Steve’s to lose. My 9 holes Friday was very average and Doigy is now advising me on how to prepare mentally. A carefree attitude apparently. Jeff update…Not bought the clubs & bag for £30 and is going to go with what he has, which I think is no clubs at all but must have misunderstood him. Just asked him for a quote…”I’ve got big problems, I’m not in the right frame of mind for this tournament, but I’m still coming”

    • I’ve heard Cookridge is nobbut a piss poor pitch n putt ! You could be Moosin PLB !!