• Phil Jones posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago

    Has anyone else had anywhere near the perfect preparation Hardwick has for this Calco event? Long game lessons, putting lessons, playing 3 times a week, range in between rounds, 18 holes around Wentworth with Glen Hoddell (beat him 3&2), regular sex from Claire to keep him relaxed & to top it all a full body sports massage booked on Tuesday to loosen the muscles!!! I’m not having it that he’s arranged with the golf club to walk on to the first tee with Martine McCutcheon “This is my moment” playing through a music system though that’s surely taking it a step too far now Steve??!!

    • You forgot the super strength throat lozenges Phil.

    • Very good boys. I hope that Mooositus in your pectoral Phil is healing up nicely!! Micky B I hear every time you get a wedge out you need a lozenger on the end of it ;0). Anyway Phil your write up is not quite right, my massage is booked for Monday, He He.

      • Late fitness test at the range today Steve and get it right it’s a Moob injury…..about 20 years since i had any pecs!

      • Alas what you hear is true pal. At the moment, with a wedge in my hands I can turn any opportunity into the deepest moose shit imaginable.