• Steve Hardwick posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago

    ANNOUNCEMENTS – A couple of changes to the runners and riders boys. First of all Jez Stanley hasn’t managed to recover in time and so has pulled out of the competition. We have an immediate replacement in Craig Whelan. Please welcome Craig to the fold. Some of you may have met him already on the Calco Pairs and he also manages the website for us. Craig will be playing off 23 and Dave has added him to the book. Also Mr Copley today announced that he also will not be in the competition. He will play golf but does not believe he will manage two full days. He has stated that he will be back next year better than ever after his operation, good luck with that Graham!!!!! ;0)

    • well not much chance of a ginger moose then i guess? Unless Bell has a tint? Sad news re Chris be burgh comeback fitter next year Jez! In fairness carrying a wallet like that i can’t see that back ever feeling right again tbh 🙂 I’m used to handling expectations in life now, and i am handling a new nervousness very well at the moment! Although history does show one or two choke on this trip at either end…One thing is for sure, the moose group on day two is hilarious 🙂 Got to go….lesson on ‘temperament’ at 8.00 am with new Sports Psychologist……probably bump into Ben, Craig L, Davison, Clements & Whelan i reckon 🙂