• Stephen Callaghan posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago

    well well well….Mark Wallis THE CURRENT MOOSE asks for the auction to be held later in the evening then books 18 holes! The plan appears to be a SOBER MOOSE on Day one, but don’t forget my good friend you will be fetching us all our drinks for the first hour (as per SAS rules). Well after reading Marks ‘excellent’ player appraisals i don’t think he is far wrong. Me at 15/1 ew moose is like buying money but i cannot bet on myself as ding dong doesn’t allow it. I will however offer here a cheeky 50 euros that i finish ahead of the current moose? Mark? bet on?remember Mr Wallis Antlers are for life, not just for Christmas :-))))) and they do suit you sir! i’m a tatt, fleming fan after reading marks reviews, with the newbies falling at the first for the Moose & also Moosette (experience counts!). Love the banter, simply cannot wait to see a load of ex drunks that have made this into a great golfing trip 🙂 adios!