• Mark Wallis South posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks Calla for the donation of €50, it will be like Calco Flyer (me) taking on an A9 grader (you)!

    For that matter anybody else who wants to take me on for an even 50 is welcome!

    I hope that’s sweltering like last year when Calla has to wear the moose head and jacket, I lost 10lb that afternoon!

    Mark ‘soon to be ex moose’ Wallis

    • Not a problem my four legged friend 🙂 Here’s hoping i am out before you on both days as my new white golf shoes won’t look too good covered in Moose droppings left on course by you! The Moose tag……sometimes never goes away…..and there was me thinking i talk a good game! Cannot wait! Great fun on Sky last night well done all !