• Keith Loughran posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago

    Morning all, I’ve managed to get online at last. (must be my age! ) Practice hasn’t gone too well , work weather & a niggling back spasm isn’t helping but as always I can’t wait to meet up with the Calco boys in Portugal. The highlight of the golfing year for me. I’ll be in touch with Mr Bell regarding my more than generous odds, I know it’s just a donation to the David Bell Benevolent Fund but you never know !! I played in comp at Thorney Park dahn sarf in July & promptly scooped 1st place with 41 pts including 2 blobs, so it’s in there somewhere . My driver will not be making the journey & that’s not a dig at the guys that missed their flight last year ! Top appraisals by Mark , though I was thinking more Cavalier than Corsa . With it being a big field , I think the early starters might have a slight edge ( less time for the nerves to set in ) But I’m sure it will be the big guns that do the damage. Can’t wait to get my lederhosen on , all the best boys