• Fellas, just a big thank you on my part to everyone of you for making my first trip abroad on the calco cup so very enjoyable , I have been on quite a few golf trips over the years but this was by far the best organised and most enjoyable, the banter and interaction and friendliness everyone showed was brilliant I thought and what you having go on…[Read more]

  • One more day to go, got a tough day and racing tonight, home at 2am and be picked up at 4am and not packed a thing yet! Usual Wallis preparation (hopefully no missed flight this year)

    Not such good news on the injury front, have had bad trouble with my arm (work related) and seriously considered going hospital yesterday for an x ray as I thought…[Read more]

  • Evening lads, finally got my fancy dress outfit sorted and picked up some sick bags from Sainsburys.
    Hit some balls tonight and everything is going left!!!!! Any advice greatly appreciated???

  • Getting giddy me one an a half sleeps left to go

  • 1 day, 13 hours, 16 minutes and 5 seconds, 4 seconds, 3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second. 1 day 13 hours, 15 minutes and 59 seconds..58..57..56..55…….

  • Yes cracking days golf yesterday. Couple of shockers from Mr Whelan and Mr Crossfield so no pressure there!! Only 5 points separating 13 players so good handicapping me thinks. Oh and there’s one thing Doigy forgot to mention, he won again on 36 points!! 1 day and 17 hours to go ;0)

  • Alan Doig posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago

    Well a good final days golf today at howley hall,with all the northern monkeys,great calco prep,out till 2 in morning last night(was a tad late though 🙈)some good scoring from most of the boys,very tight at the top,could be the best calco ever!roll on Wednesday

  • Well limped round today but feel much better. Get the putter on song for Thursday and pow. Can’t wait.

  • Wrist alot better but pulled a muscle in my back and will find it very difficult to bend down to pass Mark his Antlers again :-)))

  • Morning chaps well the Final round today for us northerners before the biggest golf comp of the year us…had a few beers last night so this will be good prep to see if I really am moooooooose material or golden goose Contenda either way it will still be a top trip with top lads…
    Come on moosette no more over and out 👍🏻

  • Let me join the long list of injured golfers. My back is in 2, howley hall warm up tomorrow with a harry half swing and a no woods in the bag I think. Might need a rub down from King Dave myself pre Calco. Nightmare.

  • Ben’s been pretty quiet this year, really think the MOOSEMARES have started with him already!! Come on Ben join in it’s only a game ;0)

    • A flat footed MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSETTE???? Cos we all know WALLIS is still hurting and it will affect his swing 🙂 WALLIS SARF = MOOSE FOREVER!

  • Just been to see Dave Baldwin aka ” the King of pain” . Worked wonders on my Union so I’ve got more of a spring in my step . Happy days !!

  • Oh dear oh dear…just had 90 balls on the range and hit some gems….come home and currently with a wrist in ICE! #not good at all………

  • I will be waking up as fresh as a daisy Thursday morning after a nice practise round on Weds, evening meal with auction a coffee and an early night!…moose no more!

  • Morning all, I’ve managed to get online at last. (must be my age! ) Practice hasn’t gone too well , work weather & a niggling back spasm isn’t helping but as always I can’t wait to meet up with the Calco boys in Portugal. The highlight of the golfing year for me. I’ll be in touch with Mr Bell regarding my more than generous odds, I know it’s just…[Read more]

  • Morning boys, well this time next week there will be a few bad heads and a few struggling to get their breakfast down!! Don’t want to worry people anymore than necessary but Dave Bell’s injuries are taking longer to recover than first thought so a very late decision will be made on his fitness.
    Anyone want to borrow one of my strepsils………[Read more]

  • Thanks Calla for the donation of €50, it will be like Calco Flyer (me) taking on an A9 grader (you)!

    For that matter anybody else who wants to take me on for an even 50 is welcome!

    I hope that’s sweltering like last year when Calla has to wear the moose head and jacket, I lost 10lb that afternoon!

    Mark ‘soon to be ex moose’ Wallis

    • Not a problem my four legged friend 🙂 Here’s hoping i am out before you on both days as my new white golf shoes won’t look too good covered in Moose droppings left on course by you! The Moose tag……sometimes never goes away…..and there was me thinking i talk a good game! Cannot wait! Great fun on Sky last night well done all !

  • Where’s my 4 ball in betting .see all boys later at Sheffield

  • Hey ho all. Thursday’s fourballs are priced up on my page and I am open for bets. Yum yum.

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