• My back is in bits along with fellow Northerners Rob “Goose ” Fleming & Keith Loughran x 3 must be agony..
    Has the current Moose got some pins and effigy on the go??

  • well well well….Mark Wallis THE CURRENT MOOSE asks for the auction to be held later in the evening then books 18 holes! The plan appears to be a SOBER MOOSE on Day one, but don’t forget my good friend you will be fetching us all our drinks for the first hour (as per SAS rules). Well after reading Marks ‘excellent’ player appraisals i don’t think…[Read more]

  • Ok mark cheers pal

  • Hi Craig, we have a four booked, if u want to book another 2, 3 or 4 ball go through Simply Tee Times.com (you don’t have to register an account or anything and it’s easy to book) it cost me £292, that’s just for the round but I got £64 refunded later as they have a voucher to present at course, perhaps there might be a couple of others who want t…[Read more]

  • Just got in from racing really looking forward to the trip & seeing most of yous Tuesday .update you on the golf Thursday (playing Wednesday)

  • P.S. Save me a place Just in case I play absolute dog shit tomorrow in our medal. Gonna stay awake til 5am tonight for practise.

  • Think I’ll go for the drinking option. All the prep and hard work is already done, it’s time now just to let the rythym and tempo kick in and remember those feel good moments and positive thoughts. Sounds like absolute last minute desperation to me. Enjoy though boys and perhaps a last gasp game with the reigning moose on ‘home soil’ will do you good??

  • I’m up for that mark… Me and Adam will do it… Is that with a buggy or just the round?

  • Ok fellow Calconians

    Me, Kev, Paul & Damien have decided to play a round early afternoon (1.03) at Millennium on the a Weds (14th) rather than sit around drinking all day + some of us need the practice!

    I booked it through Simply Tee Times.com, (£73 each) I know there is still availability around that time if any of you guys fancy it, of course…[Read more]

    • The millenium course have eamiled me back and confirmed your SLEIGH will be ready… no point a moose driving a buggy when you can borrow a reindeers sleigh for the day you ‘panicking’ mooooooooooooooooooooose 🙂

  • well ive splashed the cash and got all Niked up
    cant see them going to on holidays just yet tho
    I just wanted to be like Pete B
    ( I wish )

  • Hardwick calls Treloy Executive 9 holes a ‘mickey mouse course’ BUT just went off whites and 26 points for 9 holes for the second time running….average 275 yards per hole

  • Well a fun night had tonight round the pine valley up at willow,myself,Snoop Doig,Micky Newt,Chris I’ve got a bad shoulder my arse Ramm and Jeff Wind and Fire….mick with a cracking back 9,26pts and 40 overall,Last,Chris with 43,myself 47,and the winner with an awesome 49 pts,Mr Wind and Fire,we did all play 18 just for shits and giggles…[Read more]

    • For the last time, it wasn’t a Newt it was an Alligator. Check out the 2013 photos – between Fearny the Turkey and Doigy the little tabby cat.

  • ANNOUNCEMENTS – A couple of changes to the runners and riders boys. First of all Jez Stanley hasn’t managed to recover in time and so has pulled out of the competition. We have an immediate replacement in Craig Whelan. Please welcome Craig to the fold. Some of you may have met him already on the Calco Pairs and he also manages the website for us.…[Read more]

    • well not much chance of a ginger moose then i guess? Unless Bell has a tint? Sad news re Chris be burgh comeback fitter next year Jez! In fairness carrying a wallet like that i can’t see that back ever feeling right again tbh 🙂 I’m used to handling expectations in life now, and i am handling a new nervousness very well at the moment! Although…[Read more]

  • Hi lads
    As u already know I had a round yesterday with 3 good golfers at the manor after watching them play I think the winner could be one of them 3 some really good stuff been played… Machine burrows doing what machines do played very well everything all steady away plus he had is own putting boots on sunk a 50 footer for birdie himself on…[Read more]

  • Hi boys ,
    Great write up about the golf chunky 1 😀Not sure about the stone more like 2 but as you know that arse won’t be far behind you ….
    Anyway nice to find a bit of form just before Calco 😀 So calla e/w moose your not looking bad value

  • Some good form shown at manor last night, as Steve’s Post below. Mr Hardwick Stringing together 5 pars in a row and scoring 23 points on back nine, pure class ! and he left a good few out there! and the consistent Mr Lister hitting 39 points including a brilliant birdie on the 15th with a massive putt that never looked like missing. Craig seems…[Read more]

  • Morning chaps had a little knock at the Manor last night with a few Calconians. Craig Lightowler a steady 27 but not far away, Burrows and Hardwick 36 points which you think may have a chance of challenging, but Lister comes in with a massive 39 points. Maybe that extra stone he’s put on is helping his swing!! Well done chunks :0)

  • Dave Bell, 20/1 for me to Moose ???you really did bang your head on the cigareeeete run high in the himalayas with bin ladens mob. Must have been a tall donkey you fell off! That’s like printing each way money 4/1??? can i back myself bottom 5?

  • You boys get some golf in up North don’t you!!! I played at the weekend, 29pts. Lots of work to do to get match fit. I’m ramping it up this weekend. I’m going to ‘get on it’ about 5pm, go to bed at 4am ish and play golf at 11, lets see if that improves my Score!!!! Oh yeah and play of 5…..

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