• Alan Doig posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago

    Well a good final days golf today at howley hall,with all the northern monkeys,great calco prep,out till 2 in morning last night(was a tad late though 🙈)some good scoring from most of the boys,very tight at the top,could be the best calco ever!roll on Wednesday

  • Well a fun night had tonight round the pine valley up at willow,myself,Snoop Doig,Micky Newt,Chris I’ve got a bad shoulder my arse Ramm and Jeff Wind and Fire….mick with a cracking back 9,26pts and 40 overall,Last,Chris with 43,myself 47,and the winner with an awesome 49 pts,Mr Wind and Fire,we did all play 18 just for shits and giggles…[Read more]

    • For the last time, it wasn’t a Newt it was an Alligator. Check out the 2013 photos – between Fearny the Turkey and Doigy the little tabby cat.

  • Alan Doig posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago

    Calco eve is better than xmas eve,certainly giddier,all packed n ready to go,roll on 5.15 to pick the roomy Ramm up n meet everybody at the airport,let the fun begin 🙂

  • Well that was a round of 2 halfs,very shabby front 9’s myself 13pts(48) the ramster 10pts…back 9 21pts(41) the ramster 13pts,to be fair to chris,he was trying out his new grip,now it’s off to get my tux on and head to valley parade to watch my cousin box for charity and get monkeyed,enjoy your Sunday in the sun boys…over and out 🙂

  • Well what a gorgeous Sunday morning,just right for a steady knock with my roomy,the Rammster on his patch up at dewsbury,where it does help if you are half man,half goat…..it’s getting giddy time now 🙂

  • Alan Doig posted a new activity comment 8 years, 10 months ago

    Just as long as you don’t end up in any sand,you may well be ok Cala mooooooooose

  • Alan Doig posted a new activity comment 8 years, 11 months ago

    Don’t worry lofty,the hat is on..n loads of water…I’m slowly but surely learning haha

  • Well I’m just getting my calco prep in….loads of San Miguel night before then a round of golf in the scorchio Spanish sun…jackpot!!!!!

  • Great new web site SAS…nice to see you’ve still got my fav calco moment Cala ;-)…bring on the sunshine,loads of laughs,oh and drunken golf!!!

  • Alan Doig changed their profile picture 8 years, 11 months ago

  • Alan Doig changed their profile picture 8 years, 11 months ago