• One more day to go, got a tough day and racing tonight, home at 2am and be picked up at 4am and not packed a thing yet! Usual Wallis preparation (hopefully no missed flight this year)

    Not such good news on the injury front, have had bad trouble with my arm (work related) and seriously considered going hospital yesterday for an x ray as I thought…[Read more]

  • I will be waking up as fresh as a daisy Thursday morning after a nice practise round on Weds, evening meal with auction a coffee and an early night!…moose no more!

  • Thanks Calla for the donation of €50, it will be like Calco Flyer (me) taking on an A9 grader (you)!

    For that matter anybody else who wants to take me on for an even 50 is welcome!

    I hope that’s sweltering like last year when Calla has to wear the moose head and jacket, I lost 10lb that afternoon!

    Mark ‘soon to be ex moose’ Wallis

    • Not a problem my four legged friend 🙂 Here’s hoping i am out before you on both days as my new white golf shoes won’t look too good covered in Moose droppings left on course by you! The Moose tag……sometimes never goes away…..and there was me thinking i talk a good game! Cannot wait! Great fun on Sky last night well done all !

  • Hi Craig, we have a four booked, if u want to book another 2, 3 or 4 ball go through Simply Tee Times.com (you don’t have to register an account or anything and it’s easy to book) it cost me £292, that’s just for the round but I got £64 refunded later as they have a voucher to present at course, perhaps there might be a couple of others who want t…[Read more]

  • Ok fellow Calconians

    Me, Kev, Paul & Damien have decided to play a round early afternoon (1.03) at Millennium on the a Weds (14th) rather than sit around drinking all day + some of us need the practice!

    I booked it through Simply Tee Times.com, (£73 each) I know there is still availability around that time if any of you guys fancy it, of course…[Read more]

    • The millenium course have eamiled me back and confirmed your SLEIGH will be ready… no point a moose driving a buggy when you can borrow a reindeers sleigh for the day you ‘panicking’ mooooooooooooooooooooose 🙂

  • Going to play fresh after a month off from golf (more like I’m too busy trying to get these dogs to win all over the country) ..one go at the range if poss…the Flyer running on Sky in the final next Weds within touching distance.. That could start a great few days …looking forward to seeing everyone..can’t wait!

    • hello BOD i see you cannot update a profile picture 🙂
      win or lose he’s been great fun Mark!
      and he’s top DAWG on social media by a mile…. hence the lad asking me for money back after 2nd place other night when i posted ‘ a steady canter’ 🙂

  • I hear it’s a unanimous decision that if Calco Flyer wins the East Anglian Derby me and Kev get at least half a dozen shots back?

  • Eagles! Can only dream of them!…less than two weeks to go!…clubs re gripped ..old rescue and putter restored ..lesson next week …I’m getting desperate!

  • Mark Wallis South changed their profile picture 8 years, 10 months ago

  • Only just recovered from 4 days in Scotland with Paul, we played 4 stunning courses, Renaissance, Archerfield x 2 and the brilliant North Berwick, we both had our moments but overall we were average and a Calco midfield position at best looks likely..Calco Flyer news is that after a couple of average runs he still looks in great form and now heads…[Read more]

  • Mark Wallis South changed their profile picture 8 years, 10 months ago