• Some tough competitors on this years Calco, they aren’t bad a golf either. 🍻. Bring on CC20 🏌️‍♂️🍻

  • You boys get some golf in up North don’t you!!! I played at the weekend, 29pts. Lots of work to do to get match fit. I’m ramping it up this weekend. I’m going to ‘get on it’ about 5pm, go to bed at 4am ish and play golf at 11, lets see if that improves my Score!!!! Oh yeah and play of 5…..

  • There seems to be a mistake on my handicap, it says 5!!!!

  • Looks like there’s been some heavy practising going on here boys. Looking forward to a great few days in Portugal. Gav has arrived in Hampshire and we’ve plotted our strategy….. We’ve got no chance!!!!