• Calco Eve as Ben pointed out to me earlier. You may even see a Moose in the sky tonight as you look out heading off to the Vale Do Lobo. But don’t stay up too late cos the Moose will get you!!!
    Looking forward to the first beer by the pool tomorrow and then the auction….gonna go all out on Jeff with his new clubs, tees and pencil! Have a good…[Read more]

  • Hours to go and still decisions to make. Main one being try and cure my massive left to right shape or stick with the ‘Slappy Gilmore’??? Calla has arrived up north and seems in confident mood after his links course practice. Final round yesterday saw Mr. Yates win comfortably and the rest of us all pretty close. Was going to stay in Wednesday…[Read more]

  • Going to play fresh after a month off from golf (more like I’m too busy trying to get these dogs to win all over the country) ..one go at the range if poss…the Flyer running on Sky in the final next Weds within touching distance.. That could start a great few days …looking forward to seeing everyone..can’t wait!

    • hello BOD i see you cannot update a profile picture 🙂
      win or lose he’s been great fun Mark!
      and he’s top DAWG on social media by a mile…. hence the lad asking me for money back after 2nd place other night when i posted ‘ a steady canter’ 🙂

  • SCORECARDS: Hi gents these are a keepsake for you to fill in and keep afterwards. Steve & Steve (both halves of the SAS) realised you’ve all on remembering what colour shirt it is on day one (craig ) 🙂 but please fetch them and fill them out to take home. SH@T SHORTS are compulsory at breakfast on Saturday. Foz has been warned it is sh@t…[Read more]