• Steve Hardwick posted a new activity comment 4 years, 10 months ago

    Absolutely mate. Think i’ll be having a couple of quid on you though. See you next week kid.

  • Steve Hardwick posted a new activity comment 4 years, 10 months ago

    Yes mate, I put this on before I saw that from Davo!! Will have to get a cover bet on. Nice to see you on here Gav, do you like the new log on page :0)

    • Excellent Steve…… I just had an email to say you had responded!
      Come on all you slow and sleeping Calco players…letโ€™s see some some banter on here!!

  • Afternoon Campers. Hopefully some of you guys have decided to look on here and noticed the official log in page. Anyway going to put on my predictions this year and see how things go:-

    1st Andrew Fearnsides
    2nd Phil Lister
    3rd Peter Forster

    MOOSE – The Calla moose will be going the fandango again this year ;0)

    Good luck gents and hopefully…[Read more]

  • Steve Hardwick posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago

    Don’t know how to do a smiley face on here but your reply has made me chuckle Fearny! ;0)

  • Love the form guides Mark, although i think you’re way off the mark, so to speak, will a couple. Hardwick loving will bring my mate through to a top ten finish and you certainly can dream my friend because you are a banker for bottom five. That should pay for my trip.
    See you in three weeks Mooosey!! xx

  • Steve Hardwick posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago

    Hello mate good to have you back on line. You should have a driving range on the ship or a putting area. You need to keep up this top form Keith as you are now my secret top 5 bet!! I played today mate and shot an 82, 41 points, but don’t tell anybody ;0)
    Have a great trip mate if I don’t see you and hope you come back fresh and ready to show us…[Read more]

  • Steve Hardwick posted a new activity comment 6 years, 11 months ago

    Nice to see your keeping an eye on the site Fearndog. Good little ditty init ;0)

  • Afternoon chaps hope you’ve all received your invites. Please reply ASAP as need all names down and deposits in by Monday 24th October. Any questions give me a call. Look forward to catching up with you all soon.

  • Steve Hardwick posted a new activity comment 7 years, 9 months ago

    Nice one Adam, glad you enjoyed it mate. Have a great time in America and keep your eye out for the invite on your return ;0)

  • Steve Hardwick posted a new activity comment 7 years, 9 months ago

    20 euros at 40’s back to back mooses. Keep stretching that fetlock Mark, don’t want to have to put you down on the course kid!! ;0)

  • Steve Hardwick posted a new activity comment 7 years, 9 months ago

    Stop hitting it left kid!! ;0)

  • Yes cracking days golf yesterday. Couple of shockers from Mr Whelan and Mr Crossfield so no pressure there!! Only 5 points separating 13 players so good handicapping me thinks. Oh and there’s one thing Doigy forgot to mention, he won again on 36 points!! 1 day and 17 hours to go ;0)

  • Ben’s been pretty quiet this year, really think the MOOSEMARES have started with him already!! Come on Ben join in it’s only a game ;0)

    • A flat footed MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSETTE???? Cos we all know WALLIS is still hurting and it will affect his swing ๐Ÿ™‚ WALLIS SARF = MOOSE FOREVER!

  • Steve Hardwick posted a new activity comment 7 years, 9 months ago

    Good move Keith, I’m going for a rub down Monday night mate. It’s all in the prep!!

  • Morning boys, well this time next week there will be a few bad heads and a few struggling to get their breakfast down!! Don’t want to worry people anymore than necessary but Dave Bell’s injuries are taking longer to recover than first thought so a very late decision will be made on his fitness.
    Anyone want to borrow one of my strepsils………[Read more]

  • ANNOUNCEMENTS – A couple of changes to the runners and riders boys. First of all Jez Stanley hasn’t managed to recover in time and so has pulled out of the competition. We have an immediate replacement in Craig Whelan. Please welcome Craig to the fold. Some of you may have met him already on the Calco Pairs and he also manages the website for us.…[Read more]

    • well not much chance of a ginger moose then i guess? Unless Bell has a tint? Sad news re Chris be burgh comeback fitter next year Jez! In fairness carrying a wallet like that i can’t see that back ever feeling right again tbh ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m used to handling expectations in life now, and i am handling a new nervousness very well at the moment! Although…[Read more]

  • Steve Hardwick posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago

    Good write up mate, yes you had a couple of chances on the last few holes, great game though. Get that driver going straight and you’ll be up there.

  • Steve Hardwick posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago

    You’re right Calla, I’m on it!!!

  • Morning chaps had a little knock at the Manor last night with a few Calconians. Craig Lightowler a steady 27 but not far away, Burrows and Hardwick 36 points which you think may have a chance of challenging, but Lister comes in with a massive 39 points. Maybe that extra stone he’s put on is helping his swing!! Well done chunks :0)

  • Steve Hardwick posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago

    Don’t forget to play off 5 Pete or else it wont work!! Oh and when you go home at 4am don’t forget to give me a shout ;0)

    • Just waiting for you to go out to 14s Pete then I will pounce lol so can I request another couple of dodgy rounds like 10 over 😂😂

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