

    Venue: Portugal

    Winner: Ben Moyle

    Moose: Guy Glover






Final Positions:

Ps. Name Handicap Points
1 Ben Moyle 14 78
2 Mark Wallis (S) 18 75
3 Peter Forster 8 74
4 Jimmy Curley 16 69
5 Andy Kaye 16 69
6 Andy Fearnsides 13 68
7 Jack Horner 11 68
8 Kev Ulla 11 68
9 Steve Tattersfield 10 67
10 Pete Burke 11 67
11 Gav Whitworth 14 66
12 Graham Copley 25 64
13 Alan Doig 13 62
14 Rick Oakes 10 61
15 Steve Hardwick 14 61
16 Phil Lister 14 60
17 Paul Cawtheray 21 59
18 Mark Wallis (N) 19 57
19 Steve Callaghan 25 56
20 Phil Cawtheray 21 55
21 Alan Clegg 18 54
22 Sam Wilkinson 16 47
23 Craig Lightowler 16 46
24 Ady Clough 19 46
25 Jez Stanley 21 45
26 Jeff Wind 16 45
27 Keith Loughran 21 45
28 Mick Baldwin 25 44
29 Chris Ramm 16 40
30 Paul Ephremsen 12 40
31 Dave Bell 25 33
32 Guy Glover 25 12


Score Cards:




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Write up:



The 13th Calco Cup saw a record entry of 32 golfers, drawn from all four corners of England, hoping to win the cherished silver cup and avoid the unwanted moose suit and accessories. The venue for the third time was the Algarve with players staying at the now familiar Vila Gale hotel in Albufeira.

Bell’s Bookies had begun taking bets months prior to the event and there were firm favourites at either end.  Local lad Rick Oakes headed the list after winning twice in the previous 3 years whilst at the moose end newcomer Guy Glover was hotly tipped.

Moose Pic HP

A strong southern contingent, chastened by comprehensive Ryder Cup defeat to their northern counterparts in May, were hoping to fare better individually than they had collectively.

The auction is usually a fair indication of the market and both Oakes and Glover topped the E300 mark as a record E4000+ was whipped up by chief auctioneer Steve Callaghan.

Day one at Vale da Pinta saw strong performances from Jack Horner (35), Andy Kaye (34) and a surprise winner of the Tattersfield, Lister, Baldwin fourball in Graham Copley (34). However it was the southerners who would come to the fore by the end of Day One. 2012 runner up Kevin Ulla (35) was no surprise but Mark Wallis’s 39 and Ben Moyle’s 40 were both hugely unexpected. Indeed Moyle had looked more moose-like than likely winner from those noting his somewhat green about the gills appearance on the coach to the venue. Evergreen Peter Forster (35) would make up the final day 2 fourball whilst the moose group would be formed of Glover, Bell, Wilkinson and the injury hampered Ramm. Phil Cawtheray would begin what was to prove to be a highly profitable weekend by netting two of the three nearest the pins with Hardwick the other winner.

Perhaps the highlight of the whole day was the comedy gold sing off on the bus home between Jeff Wind and Steve Callaghan.

With the trophy in touching distance a few early nights may have been expected but it was more than refreshing to note the final fourball pictured together on the balcony of the karaoke bar at approaching 5am.

However they would benefit from 2 hours more rest time prior to teeing off last, much of which Moyle spent stretched out under a palm tree.

Moyle Down New

The Gramacho course offered the second day’s challenge and sadly Glover failed to recover from the traumas of the previous day and was cast well adrift. However he took it in very good spirits and vowed to return after an intensive year of golf tuition. 2012 Moose Bell (33) breathed a sigh of relief in 31st place whilst rookie Baldwin (44) defied the pundits believing him to be moose material. In a lofty 19th place came Callaghan (56) recording one of his best ever Calco displays. Copley (64) finished a very creditable 12th but Hardwick would disappoint his followers hoping for him to build on his 2012 5th place with a 15th place finish.
Back down the course play was reaching a dramatic finale. By the 16th the consistent Andy Kaye had forced himself to within 2 points of the lead but the last 3 holes yielded only a point and he had to settle for a 5th place finish. Seasoned Calco  observers believe his time will come. Former winner Curley with a brilliant 39 (4th) and 2011 runner up Fearnsides  (37 for 6th) also made charges for the line but ended up just short.
Ulla’s challenge had surprisingly never got going and he would finish 8th. Vital putts for birdie on 15 (and nearest the pin) and double bogey on 16 had left Moyle with a slender one point lead over Wallis (S) and 2 over Forster as they stood on 17. Wallis and Forster would both bogey but another 6ft putt gave Moyle a par and a 2pt advantage.

Now all he had to do was face down his not inconsiderable 18th hole demons. Winning positions had been squandered at the final hurdle in 2007’s Ryder Cup and 2011’s Calco but three solid shots saw him just off the back of the green at the par 5 hole. Wallis meanwhile found himself 6ft from the hole in 4 whilst Forster went for broke and was desperately unlucky to see an eagle attempt slide past to the gasps of the rest of the field watching from the balcony overlooking the green. Moyle effectively had 3 for the title from his lie at the back of the sloping green. His chip broke left and urged on by a shout of ‘It’s going in!’ from Hardwick, hit the back of the cup and dropped. The gallery roared, the club was flung and Bell leapt from the balcony to embrace the unlikely winner.

Wallis would hole his par putt to secure a richly deserved second place and a Southern 1-2 whilst Forster’s birdie would secure another podium finish for Calco’s most consistent performer. Two time winner Burke and Ramm, who played through the pain, were the other nearest the pin winners on the day.